Chapter 16

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By the time Hannah had reached your bedroom, locked the door and sat you on your bed you were absolutely distraught. You could hear fighting downstairs, the clang of silverware and yelling. Hannah sat beside you on the bed and rubbed your back in a soothing manner, though it did nothing to calm your nerves. Hannah sighed softly and picked up a hairbrush, softly brushing through your (h/l) (h/c) tresses.

“You love both of them, don’t you?” Hannah murmured.

The question caught you off guard and you gasped, before looking down in shame. You didn’t need to answer, Hannah already know.

“You know you can only have one my Lady, I’m sure you will make the right choice.” Hannah spoke in a soft soothing voice.

You somehow knew your stay here wasn’t going to last very long, you knew that you were going to be brought back to the Phantomhive Manor and the thought surprisingly made you tearful. You very much liked the Trancy Manor and all its residents, well apart from Claude, and you will miss them all. Especially Hannah, you had grown exceptionally close with the beautiful maid and you were going to miss her greatly.

A small sob racked your body and much to Hannah’s surprise you turned around and pulled her into a tight hug.

“I’m going to miss you Hannah.” You whimpered, burying your head in her shoulder.

You wished she would come with you to the Phantomhive Manor but you knew better than to ask. It was unspoken but you knew that she had some unfinished business here. Business that she wasn’t quite ready to depart with yet. You were quite surprised that you became so close with a demon. Then again, you fell in love with a demon. Your thoughts suddenly drifted towards the raven haired butler and a certain eye patch wearing Earl.

 You began to cry harder into Hannah’s shoulder. ‘What am I supposed to do?’

Hannah was quite surprised when you turned around and embraced her, but she hugged back nonetheless. “I know my Lady, I will miss you too.” She murmured softly, hugging you tightly as a mother would hug a child.

It’s true, she would miss you. Strange for a demon but Hannah had more emotion then most demons. She wished she could come with you to protect you but she couldn’t. She had business with the Trancy boy.

“Tell Timber, Thompson and Canterbury I will miss them.” You said sadly.

Hannah smiled softly and patted your back reassuringly. “I will. I’m sure they will miss you too, very much. They grew quite fond of you, they would talk about you quite a bit.” Hannah said with a soft smile.

You giggled and pulled away from her, smiling at her sadly. “That’s good to hear, I really enjoyed their company.”

Suddenly the door burst open, and standing there was a bruised and battered Sebastian. His jacket was ripped as well as his shirt and pants. His white shirt was stained with the crimson red of blood. He had cuts on his face and all over his body and he almost looked worn out. But he was still beautiful to you.

You gasped and threw all caution to the wind. “Sebastian!” You cried running to him and embracing him tightly.

So The Games Begin  [Ciel x Reader x Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now