Chapter 6

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“ Oh Ciel! Isn’t little Jasper just the cutest and- Oh! ____, what are you doing here?” Elizabeth stared at you curiously while cradling the little kitten in her arms. ‘Good, she didn’t see’ You thought, calming your nerves. You could barely hear her over the thumping of your heart. Was it because Ciel’s closeness, or was it because you almost got caught? You didn’t know. As for Ciel he was back to his composed and stoic self.

“____ and I were just about to play a game of chess, is there anything you need Elizabeth?” Ciel replied coolly, not at all fazed by almost being caught.

“Ciel it’s Lizzy...” Elizabeth murmured, looking a little disappointed before her bright self returned again. “Well I was wondering if I could take Jasper home with me. Everyone is always so busy and I get lonely sometimes, so please? You wouldn’t mind, would you ____?” Determination shone in those emerald eyes of hers. She stared down at the little kitten lovingly and began scratching behind its ears. It meowed quietly in response and snuggled against her before falling asleep in her arms. She looked back up at you and Ciel, a hopeful look in her eyes.

You and Ciel exchanged glances and nodded at each other before turning back to Lizzy.

“Of course Lizzy, I trust you and I know you’ll take great care of him, just let me come and visit him sometime, okay? You said with a small smile.

Lizzy’s smile brightened up the whole room. “Oh I will! Thank you ____! Thank you so much! Of course you can come and visit!” She rushed over and hugged you. You felt a little guilty about almost kissing her fiancé. ‘It’s not happening again, I can’t do that to Lizzy, our friendship is more important.  I can’t hurt her like this.’ You thought. You knew you had a crush on Ciel, but his feelings for you were still unclear. He could just be playing games. Right? It could all just be a big game. And you would be the prize. Well you weren’t going to let him win. He already had Elizabeth after all. And he loved her. Right?

You both pulled away from the hug. “I’m going to send Jasper back home now. I want him to get used to living there before I go back home too, Thanks again!” Elizabeth said excitedly before running out of the room.

There was silence in the room before Ciel turned to you. Staring at you with his penetrating gaze.

He opened his mouth to say something before he was interrupted once again.

“Oh ____? Sebastian wants to see you. He told you to meet him out in the garden.” Lizzy said poking her head in the study. She giggled and winked at you before running away down the hall.

Hearing what Lizzy had to say put Ciel in a foul mood. You turned to speak to him, but he just turned to look out the window, a sour look adorning his features.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go to him.” Ciel said with a huff, crossing his arms, still staring out the window. He failed to notice the concerned look on your face before you nodded and quickly exited the room.

Ciel sighed and stared out the window. The beautiful view of the gardens relaxing him a little, but a certain figure standing there staring up at him through the window brought his bad mood back in a blink of an eye.

There stood Sebastian, in the middle of the garden, holding yet another black rose. Sebastian smirked at him through the window, Ciel scowled in response. He wasn’t going to let Sebastian win the game. He wasn’t going to let Sebastian win you.

You can’t have her Sebastian. You can have my soul, but you can’t have hers.’

Young master, I don’t want her soul. I want to win her heart.


So The Games Begin  [Ciel x Reader x Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now