Ending: Ciel

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Your gaze was directed at the ground and a piercing silence filled the garden. Not even Pluto made a sound, wherever he was. The birds weren’t chirping and there was not even a slight rustle of the trees. Silence.

A single tear travelled down your face and hit the stone path as you looked up.

Straight into the one visible eye of a certain someone. Just by staring into that eye you knew your choice, and you decided to act quickly before you looked away just in case you found your way to another pair of eyes and changed your mind.


You spoke so quietly, barely above a whisper.

The young master’s single cerulean eye widened and the demon butler lightly scoffed and looked off to the side, clearly hurt by the girl’s choice. With his enhanced demon senses he had heard it loud and clear, but the young master wanted to be sure.

Ciel stepped forward and very gently took your hand in his own.


Ciel whispered. He had to make sure, his heart could be playing tricks on his ears.

You gently nodded staring back into his visible eye.

A huge grin broke out across his face and it was absolutely breathtaking. The most beautiful smile you had ever seen, coming straight from the boy who claimed he couldn’t smile. It was beautiful, and it was all for you. Your sadness melted away and you found yourself smiling back.

The two of you were broken out of your little moment by a deep growl. You turned to the source of the sound and there was Sebastian, eyes glowing pink. You felt the sadness slowly return to your heart and stared at Sebastian with apologetic eyes. You hadn’t wanted to hurt him, you had grown quite attached to the demon, but the choice had to be made. You had always dreamt of being with Ciel. Sebastian just clouded that for a little while, and though you still had feelings for the butler, there’s no denying that, your feelings for Ciel outshone them all.

Sebastian stared back at you for a little while. The aura around him turned dark.  Hurt was the most evident emotion that was splattered across his features. His lips were pulled back in a slight sneer and among his feelings of hurt and pain, his eyes held rage.

He averted his eyes from yours so you couldn’t see anymore. You had done enough damage and he didn’t want you to see it. He knew now why humans were so afraid of embracing love. Because this can happen. And it hurts. He had been trying to get you from day one, he couldn’t believe that he had just lose you to his young master. He never once imagined himself being able to feel pain, raw emotional pain. Let alone love.  But he knew now that he never wanted to feel again.

Ciel cleared his throat, catching Sebastian’s dark gaze. Sebastian’s lips pulled back into even more of a sneer and his eyes glowed even brighter.

Deep down, Ciel felt a little bit bad for his butler. He knew it must have been a rare occurrence for a demon to feel, especially an emotion such as love. He imagined himself being in the same boat if _____ had chosen the butler instead, as it is a rare occurrence of Ciel being able to feel such an emotion himself. But alas, he had won, you had chosen him. Sebastian would just have to spend an eternity dealing with that, but he would surely get over it, right?

“Sebastian, go make us some tea” Ciel spoke with authority and a hint of pride which managed to irk the handsome butler. The smile he once had was gone without a trace as he spoke to his butler monotonously.

“Right away young master” Sebastian spoke through his teeth, glaring daggers at his master.

Sebastian turned to walk back into the manor and his eyes met with yours. He shot you a piercing glare and you slightly flinched. Sebastian’s eyes softened and he stared at you for a few seconds before sighing and lightly brushing past you, disappearing into the manor.

Ciel sighed and pulled you closer, resting his forehead against yours and wrapping his slender arms around your waist. That gorgeous smile of his reappearing once his eyes met with yours.

“I can’t believe I finally have you” He whispered.

You smiled back at him, but you were distracted. You couldn’t help feeling bad for Sebastian, but that wasn’t all, poor Lizzy. Even though she said it was okay, you stole her fiancé and you felt horrid. Your eyes became glassy and you let a single tear slip but you weren’t going to cry about this. It was over now, at least for the moment it was.

Ciel sighed once more and pulled away slightly, placing a hand on your cheek, wiping away the tear with his thumb. He knew what was bothering you, it was obvious. Your (e/c) eyes sparkled from the unshed tears, but as Ciel stared into them he still thought they were as beautiful as ever.

“____ do you love me?” Ciel asked. He already knew the answer for the most part, but he was still nervous asking, fearing one day you might say no.

You were surprised by the sudden question, you thought that it was obvious as you did pick him after all.

“Of course” You replied.

Ciel smiled and continued. “Then all of this shouldn’t matter. I love you, and you love me and that is all that matters”

“But Sebastian and Lizzy-“

Ciel cut you off by pressing his lips to yours. The words died on your lips as you kissed back, lips moving in sync.  The two of you shared a long and passionate kiss that felt absolutely perfect to you. You could hardly remember what you were saying before he interrupted.

“____, Lizzy told you herself that she will be happy for us. She will find a new suitor in no time, and I’m sure he will treat her right. If he doesn’t I’m sure you’ll take care of that ____” Ciel said mischievously, looking at you with a light smirk.

You let out a soft laugh and Ciel smiled slightly in triumph, happy that he had made you laugh. He never was very good at that. He smiled and continued what he was saying.

“And don’t worry about Sebastian, he has an eternity to get over it. Besides, he is a demon after all, I’m sure he can find a way to make himself feel better. Don’t worry okay? It’s you and me now” Ciel said softly.

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist and buried his face in your neck.

Little did Ciel know, that wasn’t all you were worried about. Your head was reeling with the thoughts of what would happen when Sebastian takes Ciel’s soul? Would he do it? Maybe that would be the thing to make him feel better...

You soon forgot all about those ghastly thoughts as Ciel pulled away and pressed his lips against yours in a soft kiss before pulling away with a slight smile tugging at his lips.

“Come on” Ciel held out his hand for you. “I wonder if Sebastian is done with that tea yet” Ciel said with a smirk.

You smiled sweetly at him, turning that smirk into a smile of his own, and took his hand, him tugging you into the manor and towards your future together.

What would it hold? You weren’t sure yet. But you’d find out soon enough.

So The Games Begin  [Ciel x Reader x Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now