Chapter 2 - Peace Offering

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At Palingan's Tempest Healing Spa, all client information was kept strictly confidential, not that Severus inquired about anyone as he checked in for his own stay three days after Harriet.

Far from Britain, it hadn't even crossed his mind that a witch or wizard he knew would have ventured from their home country to seek any form of specialized care.

After the same receptionist who had escorted Harriet led Severus to his rooms, he nodded politely as she excused herself and allowed him to get settled.

Each cabin at the resort was more like a small apartment, complete with a bedroom, a lavatory, and a general room that consisted of a sofa, compact kitchen, and dining table.

Each cabin offered incredible views of the surrounding ocean and large windows which could be opened at any time.

Severus sat his trunk down and spent the next hour unpacking as he brooded to himself.

He had noticed the island appeared to lack owls.

It was not in his hopes to be a troublesome guest, but as he gnashed his teeth, the urge to ask the receptionist for access to the post gnawed at him.

The thought of having to go months on end without a letter from Harriet wore on his nerves.

When he could stand his frustration no longer, he used his wand and cast a nonverbal spell to speak to the front desk.

"Yes, Mr. Snape?" The secretary's pleasant voice asked.

"Sorry to trouble you, however, I was wondering if this spa offers its clients the opportunity to send and receive mail?" Severus drawled.

"Of course, sir." The secretary nodded, "An attendant will bring your parcels each morning and also collect any that you have to send."

"............I see." Severus quietly replied.

Guilt washed at his own brash urgency humiliated him before the secretary asked, "Do you have any other questions, Mr. Snape?"

"No." Severus said quickly, "Not at this time."

He lowered his wand as he ended his spell and sat down on the sofa with a sigh.

Despite the healing spa's beauty, Severus couldn't help but glance around and feel..........empty.

After years of quiet solitude, his loneliness seemed inescapable as he watched the rolling tide outside his window.

Unbeknownst to him, across the island, Harriet went about her day with a smile.

She had encountered no problems with the postal service at Palingan's Tempest.

Since she had arrived, she had written to Severus twice.

The following morning, she finally intended to tell him the full details about her delightful stay.


Severus tried to put Harriet and the mail out of his mind as he spent the next hours getting comfortable.

Comfort was a relative term to Severus Snape.

As he paced through the narrow hallway of his cabin, he couldn't help but notice how much the blue ocean distracted from his melancholy brooding.

Later, he frowned as he left his rooms at sunset and swept out onto his porch to watch the living painting revealed in the sky.

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