Chapter 3 - Foolish Behavior

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Severus inwardly berated himself for his own callousness.

After years of neglect, someone had finally tried to show him a bit of human kindness.

Even if that someone had been his least favourite former student, the girl who reminded him of his broken dreams, Harriet's attention had meant his sacrifices had no longer gone unnoticed.

To Severus, the idea of recognition seemed more intriguing than he originally anticipated.

After Harriet shared her soup, Severus spent the rest of the night brooding.

Sometime close to dawn, he sank down into a chair next to the open window and sighed as he listened to the waves crash on the shore while the sun threatened to rise.

One breath, then two.

The soft spray of the nearby sea drifted through the air and brushed soothingly over his skin.

At last, Severus's dark eyes grew heavy.

Eventually, his head dipped as he nodded off.

In his dreamless sleep, there was peace without end.

No more pain.

No more turmoil.

No more iron grudges clutched in his heart as his only defense against bitter loneliness.

No more.........

Exhausted and weary, Severus slept the day away.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He made a sound between a shout and a snort as a sudden noise woke him.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Severus leapt from his chair with a growl as he hurried over to answer the rapping at his door, angry and frustrated someone had dared disturb his deep slumber.

He assumed it was another resort employee making their rounds to ask if he needed anything.

In his irritation, Severus prepared to give the witch or wizard working at the healing spa an honest review of their services as he flung open his door and peered out with his teeth grit.

His black eyes widened at what he saw.

Harriet Potter's courage and boldness knew no end.

She smiled at him as she stood on the deck of his cabin, dressed in flattering, red robes with another basket clutched in her hands.

Severus glanced down and noticed the second basket Harriet brought to him appeared to hold a much larger container of soup.

"Potter......." Severus hissed as his pale face twisted into a scowl.

"Hello, Professor." Harriet smiled, purposely ignoring his abrasiveness, "I thought we may share the soup today? I dunno....I don't really like eating in my room alone. It reminds me of my time with my aunt and uncle."

Severus sucked in a breath as he prepared to blast Harriet with a brutal, verbal lashing.

How dare she interrupt his rest!

How dare she have the audacity to assume he would ever share a meal with her!

How dare she-

"Sorry if I've come at a bad time." Harriet frowned as her emerald eyes scanned over Severus, "I've been in and out today, but I noticed you haven't left your rooms.....For a long time. I, er....You could probably use some food."

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