Chapter 5 - Rolling Tide

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

The gentle bubbling of Harriet's cauldron combined with the sea's steady, rolling tide drifting through the window provided a romantic soundscape for her evening with Severus.

Once they were both confident that neither would spurn the other, the couple's kiss became heated and hungry.

Harriet groaned into their affection as placed his hands on the small table and pushed her against its edge.

"Professor......" She whispered against his lips.

"Severus." He corrected in one low, scathing whisper.

"Severus....." Harriet breathed as she placed her hands on the sides of his pale face.

Their kissing resumed with a purposeful passion.

Severus Snape had never found himself entangled in the arms of any woman, certainly not an unmated omega in heat.

For a single moment, he allowed himself to be selfish and revel in the joy Harriet's sentiment brought him.

Sweet, innocent, and begging, although Harriet had encountered her share of admirers before, Severus easily determined her virginal status by the way she stiffened uncertainly against his touch as he slyly wrapped his arms around her waist.

She cried out as Severus grew frustrated by their height difference, pushed the ingredients aside, and lifted her onto the small table.

Their kiss continued as Harriet spread her knees and pulled Severus between them while she delighted in his taste.

Yes, Severus was exactly what she wanted, what she needed.

Strong, dark, dominant, but terribly gentle.

Even as he stood with Harriet in front of him, open and waiting, his touch was as delicate as the fluttering of butterfly wings and his kiss thoughtfully tender.

"Pro-...Severus......" She whispered breathlessly as he began to nip down her jawline and across her throat.

As he passed over Harriet's pulse point, a dizzying rush of her beguiling scent hit him squarely in the face.

Behind her glasses, her eyes widened as his grip on her tightened.

"...............Yes?" He asked in a barely audible whisper.

"I........" Harriet swallowed while she struggled to keep hold of her senses as Severus placed hot, wet kisses across her collarbone and over the top of her creamy cleavage.

"What is it that you want........Potter?" Severus growled.

His decadent voice sent a shiver down Harriet's spine.

She sighed as he lifted his hands and cupped the outlines of her heavy, sensitive breasts in his elegant palms.

Never before had she heard his low voice echo with such huskiness.

Harriet Potter had never invited another into her heart.

Harriet Potter had never wanted to give that privilege to anyone......except Severus Snape.

"I want you, Severus." She confessed in a frustrated sigh, ".......More than anything or anyone else in the world."

Severus pulled back and flashed Harriet an unreadable look as he pondered her declaration.

His incredulous expression failed to bother her as he held her in his smouldering stare.

After her emerald eyes glanced down to his trousers, she noticed how badly he desired her.

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