Chapter 12 - Happy

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

"Mummy! Mummy, look!"

Harriet had busied herself for the last hour packing a traveling trunk but she glanced up to answer her excited son's request as little Albus ran into the bedroom she shared with Severus.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Harriet asked as her dark-haired child toddled over and placed a small object in her hand.

"Daddy said it's a bezoar!" Albus exclaimed excitedly, "He said Professor McGowagall-"

"-McGongagall." Harriet politely corrected.

Albus swallowed and blinked as he continued, "Well, the nice lady, he said she gave it to him this morning. He has an entire jar full!"

"Brilliant." Harriet smiled as she handed the bezoar back to Albus, "Once you get a little older, I'm sure your father will teach you all he knows about potions and other things."

"What sorts of other things?" Albus blinked curiously.

"We'll tell you when you're older." Harriet smirked, determined not to detail the dangers of the Dark Arts and why defence against them was important to her young son.

"Am I not old enough now?" Albus frowned.

"No, three isn't quite old enough yet." Harriet chuckled.

Albus pouted for a moment while his mother resumed her packing.

"Are you almost done, Mummy?" He scowled impatiently.

"Almost, sweetheart." Harriet smiled as she glanced up again, "Don't look so upset, we'll have loads of fun together, won't we? All of us at the beach?"

"Aren't we going to the place I was born, Mummy?" Albus asked.

"We are, yes." Harriet nodded, "Your father and I can't wait to show you the ocean."

"Do you think there'll be any shells there?.....On the beach?" Albus asked curiously.

Harriet smiled as she stopped her work, bent down, and lifted Albus into her arms.

The happy little boy began to laugh and giggle while his mother tickled his tiny tummy.

"There'll be so many shells on the beach you'll need a bucket to carry them all home." Harriet reassured him.

While she and Albus enjoyed their quiet moment of bonding, Severus passed by the bedroom doorway and caught a glimpse of his mate and pup.

His heart lifted as he watched them both.

Before he could continue through the hallway though, Albus spotted his father's dark silhouette.

"Daddy!" He cried as he leapt from Harriet's arms and raced towards Severus.

It was Harriet's turn to watch in contentment then as Albus threw his tiny arms around what they could reach of his father's thigh.

While Severus hoisted his little boy into his arms, he met Harriet's gaze for a brief second.

Albus remained ignorant of the loving glances Mr. and Mrs. Snape silently exchanged.

"Hello, Mrs. Snape." Severus greeted his wife in a low drawl that made her want to drag him into her nest right then.

"Hey, Sev." Harriet smiled.

Albus made a noise of disgust as they walked towards one another, leaned in, and shared a quick kiss.

Harriet lamented their affection's brevity as much as Severus.

As Albus began to regale his father with dramatic descriptions of his day, Harriet smiled to herself as she walked back across the room and continued packing.

Once Albus finally exhausted himself, Severus lowered his son to play with his toys on the floor before he swept up behind Harriet.

"You smell delicious, my love." Severus purred in her ear as he pressed against her.

"Sev!" Harriet gasped, "Albus might hear you."

"Your scent is maddening." He growled.

"I'm nearly done packing." Harriet said while she cleared her throat and tried to ignore the desire her alpha's velvet voice elicited.

Severus teasingly allowed his soft fingers to play with a stray strand of her dark hair that had fallen from her bun.

"You should worry less about preparing our clothes for this journey and more about preparing yourself, my love." Severus purred as he nibbled on Harriet's ear while Albus wasn't looking.

"Should I?" Harriet asked as a shudder of anticipation ran down her spine.

Having Severus pressed against her with his intoxicating scent in her face and his decadent voice in her ear was unbearable.

If Albus hadn't been nearby, Harriet would have let her husband push her onto the bed and claim her that instant.

"As soon as we return to the island......and your next heat begins......once our pup is in bed each night, I fill your belly with another, do you understand?" Severus asked in a low hiss.

Harriet gasped as his hands slid over her with his cloaked back facing their son.

That was all Harriet wanted, to return to the magical healing spa, collect seashells with Albus........and fall into her loving alpha's arms each night, safe in her nest.

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