Chapter 4 - Professor Snape's Lesson

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Dining together each evening became a nightly tradition for Harriet and Severus during their stay at Palingan's Tempest.

One particular evening, Severus gathered the needed supplies as he prepared for his journey to Harriet's cabin.

Before he left his rooms, he paused in the mirror to pass a hand through his dark locks and ensure they were in place.

Although the gesture itself sickened him, he couldn't bear the thought of presenting himself to Harriet looking disheveled and unkempt.


The previous months had been some of the strangest yet most pleasant of Severus Snape's recent years.

He frowned as he contemplated the many long talks and pleasant meals he had shared with his former student over the summer.

While Severus had been grateful for the delicious food, he had been more pleased with the surprisingly pleasant company offered by the beautiful omega.

After decades of isolation and rejection, it warmed his heart to have someone smile and laugh while they sat beside him.

Severus drew a deep breath as he gazed at his reflection before he swiftly stalked out of his rooms.

As he walked up the steps that led to Harriet's cabin, the stars twinkled brightly in the night sky.

Severus held no dreams of romance in his heart.

At Hogwarts or not, he was still a teacher.

The sole purpose of his visit to Harriet that night was merely to do just that, teach.

Harriet Potter was not a gorgeous, kind, unmated omega begging to find a mate and produce a family, no, she was just a former student in need of assistance.

Severus scowled.

Harriet Potter was a former student, that was all.


In her rooms, Harriet fanned herself as she flustered around and tried to ensure everything was ready for Severus's arrival.

As she dressed in a simple set of blue robes, she ignored the throbbing in her head and the low cramps surging through her abdomen.

The past months had been lovely, but Harriet begrudged the ill-timing of her evening lesson with Severus.

She would have been elated for him to teach her how to properly brew Fertility Elixir if she hadn't been busy going into heat.

The cruel reality of her situation forced her to ignore her painful desires.

Harriet didn't want a lesson, she just wanted Severus.




Two sharp raps at Harriet's door signaled her guest's arrival.

Her emerald eyes widened behind her glasses as she walked over and opened the door.

"Good evening, Professor," Harriet nodded to Severus while he stood on her deck.

Severus's dark eyes widened as he gazed down at her.

He fought against the dizzying ecstacy his instincts forced upon him as he realized Harriet's condition.

His stillness prompted her to remember herself and clamp a hand over the base of her neck as she exclaimed, "Oh....sorry! I forgot to wear a scent-blocker! If you don't mind waiting, I can go and-"

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