Chapter 14

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Derek's POV

I stalk into the house and slam the door behind me, pissed at myself beyond reason. The cars have gone from outside so I'm assuming it's just Peter and Stiles home.

"Stiles?" Peter shouts, rushing from the kitchen and stopping short when he sees me. "Where's Stiles?" He asks ignoring my naked body and I tense.

"What do you mean? I thought he was here with you!" Panic begins to build up in my chest, bubbling like a pot that's over boiling.

"No! He went out looking for you and he never came back!" Peter snaps glowering at me as he does.

"I'll see if I can track is scent." I tell him and turn around to go back out of the door. I swing open the door and barge out, running straight into something.

"Watch it!" Into someone.

"Stiles!" I sigh, relief floods through me like rain in the desert. My mate barges past me into the kitchen where he grabs a glass of water. There are twigs in his hair and dirt on his clothes but he doesn't look injured. Peter is glaring at me and I resist the urge to roll my eyes because it's really none of his business.

"Where have you been?" I ask the teen in my kitchen and he snorts like it's the funniest thing I've ever said.

"Like you care." He scoffs, placing his empty glass in the sink.

"H-how can you say that?" I snap, stepping away.

"Yeah that's it, walk away. That's what you're best at!"

"That's not fair and you know it!" I growl, feeling my wolf fighting to come out and I know my eyes are revealing my slip in control.

"You think I'm afraid of you?" Stiles spits, stepping into my personal space and slamming his hands against my chest.

"Stiles." Peter rushes, moving to pull him away but I wave him off.

"Leave us." I tell my Uncle who looks at me once and then gives a quick nod before walking away.

"Come on big guy! You wanna go!" I grab his wrists and hold them so that he can't hit me, but Stiles only starts to thrash, so I back him up to the wall and press my body against his to keep him still. Stiles stops struggling but his chest is heaving as he looks up at me, but there's no anger in his eyes now, it's something else. I breathe in deeply and I can smell the woods and Stiles and my scent all mingled into one, he's still wearing my hoodie and mixed in with all these scents, emanating from Stiles, is arousal. I let go of his wrists and place my hands either side of his head whilst I try and rein in my control because my wolf is reacting completely different now and it's going to get very obvious very quickly with Stiles still pressed tightly between the wall and my naked body. "Fuck it!" The teen rushes out and his hands reach up and pulls my face down to his, crushing our lips together. It's rough, to begin with, his anger controlling his actions, I drop one of my hands from the wall and place it on his waist. His hands slide up into my hair and he pulls on it lightly, just enough that it sends shivers down my spine. I pull away, panting heavily and lean my forehead against his. He's panting too and his eyes are closed and his lips swollen. His hands slide from my hair and down my neck, stopping to rest on my chest. "You're naked again." I laugh, full, deep chuckles that fill the silence and resonate throughout the house, throwing my head back as each one flies past my lips. "Heyyy!" Stiles whines, slapping my chest lightly, bringing my attention back to him.

"Sorry. You just, caught me off guard." I smile sheepishly and finally step away from him.

"Where you going?" He rushes out, stepping after me and his hands reach out and latch onto my wrist.

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