Chapter 15

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Stiles' POV

I jolt awake, my eyes flying open, the room is dark and there's a heat wrapped around me that has me sweating all over. It's Derek, his leg thrown over my middle and arm pinning my chest to the mattress as he snores softly. He looks so carefree, no deep frown on his forehead or anger in his eyes. But it's not his heat that's woken me up, just a nightmare. The nightmare. The same one that's been happening since Alison died. I wiggle free of Derek's embrace and tiptoe to the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind me. I look in the mirror and hardly recognise the person staring back. Not physically, I'm still a pale, skinny human. But in my soul I've changed. The innocence I once had, that I now crave, obliterated and left over is a shell of who I once was. Sometimes I do something or say something or feel something that pulls me back to that past self and being with Derek helps that a lot, but I still feel so... empty sometimes. I sigh heavily and let my eyes fall shut to take in the weight of that one breath and the story it holds. Then I shrug it away and let my eyes open, but I look away from the mirror before I can catch another glimpse at the stranger staring back. My body feels hot and tight, like there isn't enough skin for my whole body, like I'm being stretched. Maybe a shower will help? I step into Derek's shower and press the main button, but this time I turn the temperature down. I don't even bother removing the clothes that I was given to sleep in. I just let the water cascade onto me, I let it soak into the t-shirt so that it's see-through. Placing both hands up against the wall, I lean against the cool tiles and let my head fall forward. Two hands cover my own as a warm and solid body presses up against my back.

"Couldn't sleep?" Derek croaks out, sleep still set in his voice so that it's deeper and rougher than usual.

"Bad dream." I whisper, leaning my head back against his chest and Derek's hands move from mine and wrap around my stomach.

"Wanna talk about it?" I shake my head and drop my hands onto his, leaning into him, Derek holds me easily, hugging me to him a little tighter. "It's cold." He grumbles, so I turn the temperature up higher and soon the water is warm and Derek is warm and I'm warm, so I step forward, pulling Derek along with me so he's under the water and the spray of the shower is just getting the back of my neck. "You sure you don't want to talk about it?" Derek mumbles into the top of my head.

"No. I don't want to talk about it." I sigh, resuming the same position I was in earlier, with my head dropped forward and my hands up against the tiles like I'm about to be frisked. Derek runs his hands across my stomach and up my sides. I feel his lips place a gentle kiss on my shoulder, and then another next to it, and another, he trails them up to the base of my neck where his lips linger and I feel him smile.

"You don't know how long I've waited to be able to hold you like this." His voice is low, husky, sexy and his hands are still tracing up and down my sides.

"How long?" I pant, resisting the urge to push my hips back against him.

"Forever" he whispers, kissing my neck again, but this time he sucks the skin, I can feel his teeth grazing the top slightly and I know it shouldn't but the idea of him biting me excites me so much that my hips push back against him without me even meaning too and a low growl rumbles from Derek's chest but not from anger. I can feel him hard against me and I rub up against him, making him growl again. "Stiles" he pants, hands now gripping my hips. "Stop." I do it again and Derek spins me around and presses me up against the wall. The tiles are cool against my skin and I arch my back to try and avoid touching it, but this only pushes me up against Derek who has one of my legs pulled up around him, his other hand on my waist. "I'm losing control. You need to stop." He groans, teeth clenched and panting hard.

"Make me" I breathe out, crashing my lips against his into a heated kiss. Derek picks me up, his hands under my thighs and begins to grind against me, using the wall for support. I grip my hands in his hair which elicits a groan from between his lips and he tears away, leaning his forehead against mine.

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