Chapter 28

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Stiles' POV

"I thought my Dad was coming round today?" I ask Derek as we dress, moving around each other in sync.

"He said he was going to, it's a bit late now though- I did text him to say we were going out." He shrugs, tying his laces from the small bench in his walk-in closet.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" I whine, batting my eyelashes at him suggestively.

"Didn't tell you the last one million times you've asked and I'm not going to tell you know, it's a surprise." His voice is firm but there's a smile tugging on his lips and an excitement in his eyes, he's up to something.

"Well, am I dressed okay?" I push, trying to get a clue as to where we're going.

"Beautiful Sti" he compliments but I freeze.

"D-don't call me that, p-please." I stutter, shaking my head back and forth to fight off the memories. Two hands pat my shoulders and I jump backwards, flailing around in panic. "I'm sorry! Please I didn't mean to! Don't hurt me!" I ramble, curling into a ball on the floor.

"Stiles, stiles, look at me. I need you to look at me. Come on baby open your eyes!" That's not his voice. That's Derek. That's my Derek. I blink my eyes open to find him knelt down next to me, eyes wide in panic and guilt, both hands are reaching out as though to touch me but he's not actually established contact.

"Oh Derek I'm sorry!" I sob, throwing myself into his arms, he catches me easily and holds me close.

"No baby, don't be sorry. It's okay." He reassures, rubbing my back in slow, rhythmic circles. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"You called me... Sti... that's what he called me. I never really liked it but I was too scared to tell him and... I think- I just- I just-"

"You just panicked baby, it's okay. I understand. I won't call you that okay? I'm sorry Stiles." I scoff through a sob because why is he apologising, how could he have known? "Do you still want to go out? We don't have to." Now I'm ruining his plans!

"No, no I want to go! Please can we still go!" I beg, pulling away so that I can look him in the eyes. Derek reached a hand up slowly and wipes away the tears from my cheeks.

"Of course" he whispers and he leans in once more and plants a gentle kiss on my head. "Come on, we best get going, you ready?" I nod once and allow myself to be pulled from the floor. By the time we're in the car my excitement is bubbling at maximum capacity again, as is my curiosity, where is he taking me? It's all rather romantic, which is very sexy.

"Can I know now?" I ask as he pulls out of the drive.



Derek pulls up in the woods and shuts off the engine but he leaves the radio playing and the headlights on.

"Don't move" he instructs as he slides out of the car. I see him walk around the bonnet to my side and he opens my door.

"What a gentleman" I tease, but take his proffered hand which he uses to lead me to the surprise.

"A picnic under the stars with a view" Derek announces, motioning towards the picnic blanket that has a little basket in the middle and all around the edges are burning lanterns giving just enough light to see but not too much that it kills the mood. But it's the view that's distracting. We're in a cliff that overlooks the whole of Beacon Hills and all the lights are shining bright like they're the stars reflected in the sky. "What do you think?" Derek asks and I can tell he's nervous from the quiet tone of his voice, that and it's coming through in waves through the bond.

"Perfect. Amazing. Beautiful!" Derek pulls me into him, his arms wrapping around my waist as he leans his forehead against my own.

"I was going to say the same things about you" he whispers and before I can mock him, his head dips down and he catches his lips against mine. The kiss is soft, slow, intimate. It's the kind that says 'you mean so much to me' or 'I won't ever let you go'. It's the kind that says 'I love you' and I feel it so much that it makes my head spin and my knees weak and I melt into Derek who holds me easily against himself, deepening the kiss. It's like we're one whole person rather than two. Entwined in both body and soul. Eventually Derek breaks away and we're both panting hard, chests heaving as we try and regain control of ourselves. "Hungry?" He asks, when we're both level headed enough to speak and move.

"Ravenous" I grin and he breaks away from me completely, apart from our now entwined hands and he leads me to the picnic blanket. "What's Peter packed for us then?" I tease, waiting for him to unpack the basket. There's four bottles of purple J20, ham and cheese sandwiches, onion ring crisps, mini pork pies, mini sausage rolls, strawberries, grapes, cut up chunks of apple.

"I actually packed this, not Peter" Derek mumbles as he moves the basket to one side.

"You want all the credit huh?" I tease but inside I'm melting because he's packed all my favourites, which means he's asked Peter what I like and that takes thought which means he actually thinks about me, which means he cares about me, which makes me giddy.

"Well it did take me ages. I'm not as skilled in the kitchen as my uncle Peter." He quips, passing me a paper plate to stack some food onto.

"So this is a date huh?" I ask, because my first ever date has got to be up there as the most romantic one there is. I mean, Derek's done some movie shit here, the big teddy bear that he is.

"Yes, it's a date." He confirms and then he takes a bite of a sandwich. God I'm starving! I take a rather large bite of my sausage roll before remembering that table manners are not just for table, so I cover my mouth whilst I eat in an attempt to not disgust Derek. Then again he has had his tongue on my arsehole so maybe he'd be cool with it. "What are you thinking about?" Derek asks and it is then that I realise that I've zoned out, should I be honest or shrug his question off?

"How eating too much in one bite could make you feel gross but then I remembered where your tongues been so I've backtracked since then." There's a moment or two of silence and then:

"Will you marry me?"

A/N sorry this chapter is shorter than normal and sorry it's been a few days since my last update. I started a new job so I've been busy settling in. Hope you liked this one guys.

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