"Call me."// Part 1

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I sat up in my bed and checked the time. 7:03am. I sighed and got up ready to face the school day. At this point the only really reason i go to school is to see my friends and boys. On my way out of my bedroom i grabbed a cigarette from the carton and a lighter. It was a sunny day outside, who would wanna waste a sunny day in school. I sat down on a garden chair in my backyard, lighting the cigarette between my lips with my plain black bic lighter. I took a long drag and exhaled slowly into the morning air. Ring, Ring. I felt and heard my phone vibrate from my pyjama shorts. I hummed as i took it out and opened it . "Hey." I greeted the caller. "Hey, you ready yet?" I noticed the voice. Evie Zamora. "Basically. Just need to get changed." I told her. "Kk, i'll be over in a bit to walk to school with you, see ya bitch." The line went blank.

I snapped the phone closed and stood up, walking into my house with cigarette in hand. "What to wear..." I muttered to myself rifling through my wardrobe. I took out my low waisted jeans and dark pink long sleeved top. 'It'll do' I thought to myself . I took one last drag from my smoke and out it out my ashtray on my window sill. I changed into the outfit wearing a black push up bra with matching black thong. I put on my makeup and packed my bag. i just brought a handbag to school. I put in my packet of cigarettes, a lighter, lipgloss, bit of money, perfume, pen, phone and a small bottle of pills, ecstasy to be exact. Ding. J heard my phone ding as i finished my hair. I opened my phone and looked at my texts.
Evie: I'm outside babes
Effy: Coming x
I turned off my phone and headed outside. "Hey Effy, jeez girl you look like shit. Are you okay?" Evie asked me. "Wow thanks you look good too. Long night, i just need some weed." I sighed. "Well, lucky for you." Evie smirked as she pulled a small sandwich bag of weed from her purse along with rolling papers and filters. "I love you." I giggled and grabbed at her possessions.

Not long we were at school and already high. "You ready?" Evie asked me as she passed me the weed. "Yeah i guess. let's go!" I smiled and put out the smoke. "So...how's the man?" She asked me. "Ghosted him." I replied. "Seriously? Doesn't matter i found a new guy for you. Even though you'll probably just fuck him for a week or two and ghost him." Evie sighed. "I'll try. Who is it?" I asked. "Javi." She simply said. "Hmm. Maybe." I smirked and she laughed. "Yeah." Is all she said as we arrived to see our friends. "Effy!" Astrid exclaimed and hugged me. "Heyy Astrid!" I smiled. Evie and i greeted the girls.
"Hey you two!!"
"What's up Effy?!"
We heard a group of boys hollering at us and the group of us simply turned and walked away. "He was scrumptious!" I said to Astrid. "Who?" She asked. "The blonde guy." I replied. "Hm he's alright, You could do better." She said.

//////////////After School\\\\\\\\\\\\
Evie and i went over to Astrid's house after school. We went off into her back garden shed. She had decorated it and had so many nice things in there. "I'll always love your house oh my god!" I examined the room. Evie lit a cigarette as Astrid fixed her makeup in the mirror. I took my pills out of my bag, listening to the rattle as i dropped one into my hand. "Tasty! Share?" Evie asks me. "Fine, pay me back!" I gave her a pill while Astrid took one too. "Thanks babe!" Astrid thanked me.

////////////////Next day\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Evie and i walked to our lunch table with a strut. "Effy Smith. Hey girl!" Trina greeted me. I grinned at her. "Cute top!" Kitty complimented me. "Thankyouu!Tell your Dad i said hi by the way." I laughed at her expression on her face. "Fuck you!" She laughed. "So...my house after school?" Evie asked me, hand on my waist. "Yeah sure!" I replied. "Here, look at my new lipgloss." I passed it to Evie. She put it on. "Hey, you guys! I'm wearing lip gloss." She laughed. "Let's go!" Trina got up and we follow after. "He's so smart!"Kitty said. "Him too!" Polly said. "He knows german?" I said surprised as Kitty added to her statement. Evie and i watched as a girl our age put something in the trash. She was wearing 3/4 length jeans and some odd kiddy socks. To be honest, she had potential. "Nice socks!" Astrid remarked. The girls laughed. "Who even is that?" I asked Jess. "It's that girl Tracy from Chem class." She replied to me. "Who let her out of the cabbage patch?" Astrid laughed.

I was in Evie's room after school. "Here you go!" She hummed handing me a beer. "Thankyouu!" I thanked the girl. "She took one two and we headed to her room. "You know Luke said he'd get with you." Evie smiled at me. "Hmm, yeah i'd be okay with that. I mean at this point i'm an expert on sex and kissing." I remarked. "Yeah i mean, you've fucked the whole school!" Evie said. "Exuse me? I've kissed the whole school, i've only had sex with some. But everyone knows i'm an amazing kisser. "I said with a cocky smirk. "Prove it." Evie said. "What?" I replied taken aback. "You heard me. Prove it because i don't believe the rumours. There probably bull." Evie teased. "Yeah?" I asked. "Yeah" She replied. I crawled over to her on the bed. She pulled me on top of her. I smashed my lips against hers and we roughy kissed . Evie put her hands on my hips and pulled me closer. After a minute of making out i pulled away. "Eh, you're okay." Evie teased me. "Fuck you!" I chuckled. I drank my beer and sat back on the bed. "So luke?" Evie asked. "Yeah." I replied. She pulled out her phone and began to ring the boy. "Hey luke! It's Evie Zamora." I heard her greet him. "yeah Effy's free tonight. Mhm. She'll see you soon!" Evie closed the phone shut and smirked. "He's on his way to get you!" She hummed. "Ah yay." I replied.

////////Next day\\\\\\\\
"So what did you do when you left?" Evie pried as i sat on the table and spoke to my friends at lunch. "So we went to his cousins house and we were home alone. We just made out for a bit, drank, smoke. You know the usual." I replied. "Let's go to the park!" Evie suggested to me. I didn't even think i hopped up with her ready to skip school. "Oh shit! You go ahead and wait for me outside the school gate. I forgot my phone in Maths." She said to me. I listened and began to head towards the school gate. I noticed that girl Tracy was following a bit behind me and i knew of her enough to know she wasn't planning on skipping. "Cute shirt." I simply said to the blonde behind me. "Thanks. Cute belt." She replied. I stopped walking and turned around. I looked her up and down and observed her. I was right, she really did have potential. "Call me after school. We can go shopping on Melrose." I smiled at her sweetly. She smiled. "Okay. Um...Write your number on this." The blonde stuttered as she pulled out a small pen and notepad. Handy. I thought to myself. I wrote a fake number. I'm gonna be honest, this random girl started following me i just wanted her to go. Plus it was kinda funny. I only felt a bit bad afterwards. I felt kinda Bitchy. I smiled and walked away.

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