"Be cool Evie." //Part 6

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We arrived back at school after getting our piercings, my nose hurting and Tracy's tongue hurting as well from the needle only half an hour ago. Tracy looked at her appearance in the small pocket mirror. "It's so cute Trace!" I smiled. "Just don't open your mouth very wide when you talk. She won't notice." Evie advised her. "I have to ask you two something." Tracy said hesitantly. "What?" Evie responded for us. "Okay, um...you guys never did anything with that crusty tattoo guy, right?" She asked. "Yeah, he ate my pussy." We said in unison and both started laughing. "Threesome, we told you we did everything together. That includes people." I laughed. "Oh, my God! Are you sh..." Tracy nearly died. "Calm down girl." I played with her hair. "We're kidding, idiot." Eve laughed. Mel pulled up beside us, Tracy way more nervous than she usually was due to her new tongue piercing and the chance of being grounded for probably life. "Hey, ladies! Get a lot of studying done?" Melanie asked, very clearly in a good mood. We jumped up off the stairs and grabbed our purses and handbags. "We were researching, mom. I'm in charge for the Biosphere II project." Trace lied. Her Mum smiled. "Cool. What module are you in charge of, girl?" She asked us. "I'm not in that class." I smiled at her. "We're taking advanced physics, Mel." Evie lied, we haven't even been to physics in about two weeks. We hopped into the car and buckled our seatbelts.

"Hottie!" I kissed Tracy's cheek as i finished cutting up her shirt. "Guys let's go show my mom, let's go to the kitchen." Tracy got up smiling as Evie and i followed her out to the kitchen were Melanie and Sylvia or something stood. "Mom. Mom!" Tracy called out. "Can you guys say "Hot"?" Evie said as i stood infront of her. "That was Masons favourite shirt." Mel said but i doubt the girls heard her over their own talk. "Sexy." I blew a kiss back to Evie as she smirked to me. "Ohh, Ohh." We sang as we swayed back and forth holding eachothers waists. I giggled as we moved. We separated and i sat up on the counter as Evie went for the tap. "You know, you three aren't the only J-Los in the house. Check out these sexy colours!" Melanie bragged and showed off her nails. "Oooh cute!" I smiled at the two woman at the table. "Thankyou,Effy!" Sylvia and Mel smiled at me. "That's great, mom." Tracy shut her out. "Hey, you need something to eat. It's four o'clock." Mel reminded us all. "I already ate." Evie replied which surprisingly wasn't a lie. "I'm on a new diet, Mel." I grinned and hopped off the counter. "Evil Food." Tracy said in a weird evil voice. "You guys know if you drink ten glasses of iced water a day, you'll burn 300 calories." Evie said like a brag. "Mhm, i gotta try that one out." I giggled slightly. "It's really does work Lizzie." Evie said. "Interesting." Mel chuckled. Tracy came in from the wash room holding who i assumed were Brodys clothes. "Mom! Three strikes and you're out. How many times are you gonna let him fuck you over?" Tracy stormed out. "I'm gonna go see Mason, see you later babe." I hugged Evie. "Okay, i'm gonna watch what's gonna go down. Call me later though!" She smiled. "Bye trace." I gave her a soft smile even though i doubt she payed me any mind. I knocked on Masons door. "Yeah?" He yelled, i let myself in and sat on his bed. "Hey mason, you're sister really upset with your Mom by the way." I told him. "They'll battle it out on their own, no worries." He smiled and sat up. "So...What's up Eff?" Mason asked. "Notice anything different about me?" I asked him with a large grin plastered on my face. "Uh...your nose?" It took him a minute. "Yeah, so. Do you like it?" I asked him. "Yeah, it's totally hot." The blonde haired boy jumped over his words before smiling nervously. "Ya think?" "Yeah, definitely." Maybe i should go check on Tracy? She's probably fine and i've only been here like a few minutes. I'll give it half an hour or so.

I rolled over to my purse and grabbed my phone, checking the time. "Shit." I muttered. "You alright?" Mason asked. "Uh, yeah. I think i'm gonna go check on Tracy, it's been like and hour." I sighed and stood up. "Alright, call me later?" He side hugged me. "See you." I hugged him back and left. I walked into the room and only Evie was in there. "Back so soon? No action then i assume." Evie giggled. "Shut up, he never like asks to meet up or anything like what? Ugh, i don't even know he likes me or what." I threw myself on the bed. "Call him up tonight and ask him to come over. You'll for sure gets one action, you're irresistible." Evie pulled out smokes and lit a cigarette before passing it to me. I took a long drag and passed  it back to her. The door was thrown open and in coke Tracy Freeland, she still looked pissed. "No. No. My mom will kill me." Tracy ran up to us. "She smokes." Evie argued. "No shit. The same brand." Tracy took it off her and sat beside me. "No shit." Evie just picks it back up. "Where we're you Liza?" Tracy asked me. That's a new nickname, never have i heard that one. "Just went out for a minute, my mum was calling wondering where i was." I lied straight threw my teeth. "Wait, i thought you're mum, has been passed out drunk on the couch for like two day-" She couldn't even finish her sentence before she saw Mel. I grabbed Evie's cigarette and held it down out of sight. "Be cool Evie. Adict." I laughed but seriously all she had to do was wait a minute or two. I took a drag when Melanie was gone and passed it to Trace. She pushed it in Evie's face. "You want it so bad." I stood up and dove into my purse for my pills. Pulling out three pills from the child locked container i swallowed them with a tiny bit of vodka still left in the container at the bottom of my handbag from probably a day and i bit a go. Evie scoffed and let out a small chuckle as Tracy just looks at me. "What, gotta take the edge off it." I shrugged and smiled. "Look what k got from the tattoo shop." Tracy dangled it infront of evie's face. "I will have no part in this." I giggled and grabbed my already rolled spliff out of the silver case in my bag before liting it with my head out the window trying to avoid the smell stinking up the girls room. I took a drag and exhaled into the warm air. My time to get high was cut short by Tracy groaning loudly. "What the fuck are you two shitheads doing?" I asked and put out my lit paper. "Oh, shit!" Evie let out. "What the fuck did you?" Tracy worried as Evie sprinted out of the room. "Shit Tracy are you okay?" I asked her. "Ugh yeah don't worry." She tried to smirk through the pain. "What the fuck?"I let out under my breath before Evie quickly returned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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