Melrose// Part 3

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I walked out the back door instead of the front so i could get home quicker. Maybe i'll go see Mason. I thought to myself while heading to the shed to see Tracy's older brother. I knocked on the door and heard i'm yell from the other side. "Come in!" Mason yelled. I opened the door and stood in the door frame. "Hey Mason." I smiled at him. "Oh,Uh hey Effy." He stumbled over his words. "I though i'd say hi on my way out." I told the fair haired boy. "Oh cool! So are you and Tracy friends or something?" Mason asked. "Yeah, i guess!" I smiled wider at him as he returned a smile to me. "Cool." Mason replied. "Can i get your number? Maybe we can hang out some time?" I asked with a smirk. I knew he'd say yes, everyone says yes. "Yeah sure! Here." Mason scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Thanks! I'll see you around Mason. "Yeah see ya!" He smiled at me as i walked out and shut the door behind me.  I walked out there back gate and pulled out a lighter and a cigarette from my handbag. Lighting the cigarette between my lips, i put the piece of paper from mason in my jean pocket and took a drag from the cigarette. This'll be fun. I thought to myself. I pulled out my phone and flipped it open, calling Evie. "Hey evieee!" I said cheerfully. I continued my walk home taking a toke from the cig with every few steps. "Hey Eff! What's up girl?" Evie asked. "I got Masons number." I told her. "Shit maybe you'll actually get a boyfriend this time." She suggested with a laugh. "We all know that won't happen." We both laughed. "I knew there had to be a reason you went home with Tracy." Evie said. "That and she's actually pretty cool and her Mums hot, you have to see her!" I told my friend. "Hmm i'll be the judge of taht." Evie responded suspiciously. I took the final drag of my cigarette and stomped it under my shoes. "Gotta go. I'm home already. See you tomorrow babe." I closed my phone and entered the place i dreaded more than school.

"See you later Astrid!" I kissed her cheek and held hands with Evie as we walked out of school with Tracy. Two baby dressed girls who i assume knew Tracy waved at her on our way and Evie just pulled her arm and Tracy kept her head down. I mean they looked like babies but i still felt bad because that girl was friends with them like yesterday. Mel leaned against the car waiting for us. "Hey mel!" I waved with a smile. "Evie this is my Mom." Tracy introduced her Mum. "No way. She's like the hot big sister." Evie smiled. "See i told you." I Nudged Evie. I leaned against the act with Mel. "What do you want to do?" She said suspiciously. "Can you take us to Melrose?" Trace asked. "Let's go." Tracy looked a taken back from her Mums response. I smirked at Evie, she returned the gesture. We hopped in the car, the three of us in the back, me in the middle. "So tracy, how's Mason?" Evie asked Tracy. I giggled but kinda gave Evie a look. I've known Evie for years and one thing i've learned is if you mention a boys name she'll be after him too so i hoped this wouldn't be the case again. "Uhm..He's good, why?" Tracy responded. "Just wondering." Evie giggled. "I don't think i saw him today, was he in?" I asked Tracy. "I think he skipped. I heard you got his number." Tracy smiled at me. "Oh shit yeah, i forgot to text him." I gave an awkward look. "Oops." Evie giggled.

"We'll find some really cute platforms or maybe some of that body glitter." Mel suggested as we stopped at a light. We all sat up straight and Evie and I got ready to get out. "No, no, Mom, it's okay, you can just drop us off then go run an errand or something." Tracy practically begged her mum with her eyes. "Oh. Um...okay. I guess that'll be all right. Maybe for an hour. I'll have to talk to Evie and Elizabeth's moms, though." Mel decided. " It's Effy and i don't think my Mum will answer but i told her before i left this morning, don't worry." I lied but luckily Tracy's mum believed me. "Brooke is just my guardian." Evie wrote Brookes number down and handed it to Mel. "Great. Thankyou. Don't worry Effy i'll let it slide." She smiled at me. Evie and i got out and waited for Tracy. "All good?" I asked Trace as she got out. "Yep, no worries. Let's go!" We strutted down the street hooked arms. "I should probably text you're brother." I commented. "If you don't i will." Evie joked. "Let's go to Redballs!" I suggested. We went in and picked out clothes to try on. On the way to the changing rooms i picked up a lighter, lipgloss, thong and nail polish to stash in my handbag while in the changing room. "I love these jeans." Tracy yelled from the other stall. Evie and i stayed in the same stall together. "What should i text him?" I said. "What you usually say to guys?" Evie replied while taking off her top. "Ugh, i'll do it now." I said and pulled out the piece of paper and dialled the number. It rang for a moment or two before he answered. "Yeah?" I Heard him say. "Hey, it's Effy!" I said. "Oh hey! I thought you'd never call." He laughed. "Yeah sorry it slipped my mind." I giggled. "I'll save your number and text you later, What's up?" Mason asked. "Nothing just shopping! Whatcha doing tonight?" I asked. "Nothing, i'm hanging out with my friends for a bit but i'm free after, why?" He asked. "Wanna do something?" I offered. "Yeah sure! I'll talk to you later, someones at my door, Bye!" He replied. "Bye Mason." I smiled and closed the phone. "Okay, i really like this out on the red one." Evie threw the red version of her top at me. "That's actually so hot oh my god. I need it." I quickly took off my top and threw it on top of my handbag filled with stolen goods. "I'm so jealous of your tits!" Evie looked at me. "Thanks, i love them too." I laughed. She posed in the mirror as i put on my top. "These stupid jeans aren't fitting." Tracy yelled. " Suck in." I yelled back laughing.

"It's my ass that isn't fitting." Tracy yelled. "Evie, Brooke says you're not allowed on Melrose without adult supervision." I heard Mel's voice from outside. Evie and I shared an annoyed look. "Well, you're here, aren't you, Mel?" Evie popped out of the changing room. "Yep. I am." Mel smiled as Tracy popped out of another stall and Evie went back into ours. "So, what did Mason say?" Evie asked me. "We're hanging out later." I smirked. Evie started fake moaning and rolling her eyes back. "Ew you're so gross girl." I laughed at her but still disgusted. "But not for 75 bucks, baby." I heard Mel say. I opened the stall door with my friend beside me. "Guys!" I got there attention. "This only costs 19.95!" Evie yelled as we posed in our shirts. "And even better we have one in purple for you babe." I grabbed it off the floor and threw it at Tracy.

Back at the house

We jumped out of the car and ran to her front door, pausing before proceeding through the door. Evie peered through the window and pulled us back. We fixed Tracy's hair for her and lipgloss. "Hermosa chica!" I blew a kiss at Tracy. We went in, Tracy going first, then Evie, then Me. "Hey." Tracy greeted the boys sitting in the sitting room gathering around the Tv. "Hey boys." Evie said to them. I didn't say anything i just smirked as Evie and I hooked arms. They all stopped and looked up at us. "Hey Effy." Mason lightly smirked.

A boy did tricks on a skateboard as the three of us lay on a picnic blanket in the front garden. The boys and Mason sat near us talking about some girls booty before getting up and leaving. We chuckled while crawling over to their blanket to eat there pizza. I locked eyes with Mason as i sat down. He winked at me as i smirked in response. "You're little friend is coming over." Evie giggled but Tracy's face dropped. "What?" Her head darted in the direction of her now old friend. "Oh, shit." Tracy kept her head down till she sat with us. "Effy smith." Is shook hand with her and smiled sweetly. "Yeah, I know. I'm noel." She smiled. "You're hairs cute!" I complimented her. "Thankyou!" She smiled wide. Evie handed her pizza. "Pizza?" She offered. "Thanks." She gladly took it. "Pizza Effy?" Evie passed it to me. "No thanks remember i'm on a diet." I passed it back. "We love Hawaiian. Don't you, two?" Noel smiled. Boys walked aross the street from us catching our attention. "Come on Evie!" I pulled her up. "Let's go, Trace." I tapped her arm. We jumped up grabbing our purses. "Uh, you cant go to the park anyway. Right, Noel?" Tracy said. We walked away and i didn't even hear what Noel had to say. I lit a cigarette on our way.

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