"Dos, tres,cuatro."// Part2

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After school has finished we returned to school to collect Astrid and brought her to Melrose Avenue. "So how was school?" I asked Astrid. "Horrible. You guys ditched me!" Astrid laughed.
"No fucking way!" Evie laughed as i told her about Tracy. "Yeah..." I replied with a slight chuckle. "I kinda feel bad." I admitted to my friends. "Don't. That was funny as fuck." Astrid smirked. Evie made some joke about Tracy and her friends as we shopped. "Are these hot? or the ones without pockets?" I asked My friends. "No, seriously, though, the pants without the pockets make you have a better ass." Evie joked. We laughed. "Hi, I tried calling you guys, but i was coming here anyways, so..." Tracy said as she walked up to us. "Oh." Is all i said before the three of us giggled. "Her phone didn't ring." Evie stated. We walked off to another stand. I held up a pink thong and smirked. "Cute?" I turned to Astrid. "Bon appetit, darling." Astrid replied. "Wanna bone." I laughed at the underwear Evie was holding. "Shit. You guys, i only brought ten bucks." Tracy looked at the prices. We laughed. "Watch." Evie said to Tracy. "What?" Tracy said confused. Evie and i took both of the underwear we were holding and we stuffed them in our handbags. Astrid shoved a necklace in her handbag as Evie took a lighter. We went on and looked at some clothes. "I'm gonna go get some water." Tracy left. "Loser." Astrid laughed. "So thoughts on Tracy?" Evie asked. "Total Loser! Complete buzzkill." Astrid exclaimed. "She has potential, plus her brothers hot." I giggled. Evie smirked at me. "I thought you were gonna get with Peter or whatever his name was?" Astrid said. "Eh nah." I replied.
After about ten minutes we left the store and walked down the street, into an ally. Shortly after Tracy ran up to us. We were going through our haul of stolen goods. "It's not bad for, like, thirty minutes." Evie rifled through her bag. "Sales clerks didn't see shit." I replied to her as i passed a lipgloss to Astrid. "You guys! You guys." Tracy said happily. "Wait, Wait, wait. Watch." Evie flicked the lighter open. Astrid rubbed some this on Tracy's face as i showed her my new top. "No. You guys, i totally just stole this." Tracy held up a purse. "No fucking way!" Astrid said in disbelief. "Have you seen what's in it?" Astrid asked. "Let's see how much-" I said. "From this lady over there. I haven't looked." She finished. Tracy opened the purse and it was loaded with cards and cash. "Hold shit, you guys!" I yelled. "Oh my god. I don't think i've ever seen this much money in my life." Evie was baffled. "Let's go shopping!" Tracy said loudly. "Hell, yeah!" We all yelled. We squealed and ran off. We ran into the sketchers store and picked up any shoes and put them up at the cash register. "One." Astrid placed a box down. "Dos, Tres, Cuatro." I said as we all placed down our boxes. "A few pairs of these. And then that should cover that." Tracy placed down more shoes and a lot of cash. "Keep the change." We all grabbed the shoes and ran out. We gave the shoes out to randos on the street. "Do you guys wanna maybe come over?" Tracy asked us. "No sorry, my aunt needs me home." Evie lied as she walked away and Astrid didn't answer she just got on the bus. "Yeah i'm free." Tracy grinned and squealed.

We immediately ran into a room by the garage. "Come on." Tracy said happily and brought me on. Her brother sat at his desk. I stood behind Tracy so i don't think he could see me. "Hey, Mason. Just out of curiosity...who do you think is the hottest girl in school?" Tracy asked the blonde boy. "I guess, um, Effy Smith or Evie Zamora." He responded. Tracy chuckled. "Guess who i hung out with today." Tracy walked closer to him. "Bull." He said with a smirk. I came out from behind Tracy and smiled. Tracy scoffed and took earring out of her pocket. "Melrose Avenue." She stated and shook the jewellery. The boys cheeks flushed with pink. He seemed very surprised. "What? God, it's that hard to believe?" She said with attitude. "Bye." I said to him as we left. We entered the kitchen. "Hey mom, this is Effy." Tracy told her Mum. "Hello Effy! I'm mel." Her Mum said looking taken back. "Hi Mel." I greeted her. Tracy walked around to the dining table that was set. "Mom, why are there four places tonight? I never said Effy was coming over." Tracy was confused. "Mom?"
Mel smiled. "Honey, he just got back. He's only coming for dinner." Mel stated. Tracy rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Yeah, tomorrow he's just gonna tune up your car, right?" Mel ignored Tracy's remarks. "It needs it." Mel smiled. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" Tracy asked. The doorbell rang. Tracy followed after her Mum as she answered the door. "Hey trace. I gotta go now. I'll see you tomorrow in school." I smiled and hugged her.

Desperate // Mason Freeland x Elizabeth Smith//Where stories live. Discover now