chapter 55- scared

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wedding day

"there's a LOT of people out there," ava says as she walks back into the girls' dressing room. "i didn't think you'd invite that many people?"

"i didn't," i reply as a makeup stylist swipes some blush onto my cheek. "they're mostly karl's friends. we both know he has a lot more friends than i do."

karl and i both invited all of our family and a lot of our friends, but of course, him being a streamer (and just bubbly, social karl) leads to him having a lot more friends than me. which is fine, because we both went through each others' guest list and approved of all the names. oh, and we both agreed no corinna, in case you're wondering.

"i'm proud of you for inviting rachel," ava says as she sits next to me. "i saw her sitting out there next to mom. but unlucky her doesn't get to be the maid of honor. that title belongs to me!" ava puffs her chest out proudly and wears a smug smile on her face.

"lucky, lucky you." i shake my head as i listen to her gloat about being the favorite sister.

"T-minus 20 minutes until haven walks down the aisle!" our wedding planner calls as he stands outside the door. "is everyone decent?"

everyone shouts a "yes" before the wedding planner comes barreling through the door.

"oh my god," garrett says as he sees me, wiping a fake (or maybe real?) tear from his eye. "my baby is all grown up. no more pouty, emo, 'i don't believe in love' haven anymore. now you're a blushing bride!"

he holds the sides of my face and i see that the tear he wiped away was certainly not fake. i smile and pry his hands off of me.

"shut up. you're ruining the makeup," i say with a smirk, trying not to both laugh and cringe as i think back to that very weird time in my life quite a few years ago. when i couldn't picture myself falling in love again, let alone getting married. i swivel back to stare at myself in the mirror.

"funny how the world works," i think to myself as i stare at the girl with pinned up hair, a veil, and a white wedding dress on in my reflection. is that really me?

"anyway, just wanted to give the time warning," garrett says. "you ladies look beautiful! but i must go check on the boys before going back to my date. see ya!"

we wave goodbye as garrett hurries out the door.

"can you believe it?" ava asks as she gently squeezes my shoulders. "you're getting married! i keep talking about it, but i just can't believe it myself. my sister. getting married. i never thought i'd see the day. i feel like i might be even more excited than you are."

that last line makes my heart jump into my throat.

"me neither," i mutter, my voice trailing off. what's this feeling in my chest? nerves? stress? anxiety? or maybe... no. no way. i'm not getting-

"that tone," ava scolds. "don't tell me you're getting cold feet."

sister telepathy, i suppose.

"no," i assure her, while also assuring myself. "of course not. i'm ready to marry karl. i want to marry karl. i'm just... scared."

"that's probably normal. i mean, i wouldn't know, i've never gotten married, but... that's definitely normal. yeah. i've read enough books to know that that's normal."

"now you sound nervous."

"because i am! i'm selling my beloved older sister away to a minecraft streamer!"

"he's not just a minecraft streamer."

"aww, i love that you want to rub it in my face that you're about to get married while i'm still single, but save that for your vows. and stop picking at your nails!" ava smacks my hands then straightens out my veil.

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