chapter 56- can't help falling in love

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i can hear karl's footsteps walk away, and after a couple of seconds the bridesmaids pour back into the room, frantically trying to grab everything to get ready. ava asks me if i'm feeling better, and i of course answer that i am.

and within a few minutes, it's time to walk down the aisle.


karl's pov

i anxiously watch our mothers walk down the aisle, then all the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle, then ava and sean walk down together, and finally the ring bearer and flower girl. next up is haven and her dad.

i shift in my standing position anxiously, chewing my lip from nerves.

but all of those nerves wash away immediately when i see her.

my blondie in a white gown and veil.

my heart leaps into my throat, and i'm not able to breathe for a moment.

it feels like everyone else in the room disappears as i watch her walk down the aisle, arms linked with her dad, in a dress that looks like it was made for royalty. before i realize it, two tears escape from my eyes, followed by one other, and i can't help myself from wondering why i want to ball my eyes out at the sight of her.

when haven and her dad approach me at the alter, her dad gives me a quick hug.

"i'm glad she chose a good one," he whispers in my ear. i smile and feel another tear run down my cheek after hearing those words.

i take her hands and look at her, for once being at a loss for words.

i can't call her beautiful, that doesn't even begin to describe her. or stunning, or breathtaking, or gorgeous, or any of those words.

a strong enough word that encapsulates her beauty hasn't been invented yet.

and because of that, all i can say is:


haven smiles gently.

"wow yourself," she replies.

"i can't believe this is real."

"me neither."

"in the best way possible, of course."

she nods.

"of course."

then the wedding ceremony starts. i can hear multiple camera snaps, and the minister is definitely saying something, but it still feels like haven and i are in our own little world, blocking out all the outside noise. though maybe i should be paying attention, since i'm eventually supposed to-

"karl," haven whispers. i blink a couple of times.

"huh?" i reply.


"oh!" i let go of her hands and scour my pockets, searching for my paper that i wrote the vows on. i finally find it and yank it out of my pocket, unfolding it and clearing my throat. my left hand reaches back down to hold one of her hands as i hold my paper in the right hand.

"haven. blondie. there's so much i want to say, but there's only so much room on this paper, and after looking it up i realized vows should only be about a minute long so... i'm sort of constricted on how much i can say... and that whole ramble just wasted quite a bit of time so i'm just going to jump into this. i was never one to believe in soulmates. or i should say, romantic soulmates. i knew i had found platonic soulmates in some of my friends, and had crushes on people every now and then, but i didn't believe in that whole 'love at first sight' thing. i didn't think i would immediately know after looking at someone that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with them, that i'd never want to leave their side, and i'd want to spend my entire life making sure they knew how much i loved them. of course, that was until i went into your corny little candy shop and saw you. you were restocking gummy bears, making certain that all the packages were perfectly aligned. your hair was tied up with one of those pinterest claw clips that i still don't know the proper name for. and you were so confused when i practically begged for you to help me. but it was because, as weird as this may sound, i think i fell in love with you right then and there. love at first sight. that's when i knew it was real." i pause, squeezing haven's hand tighter. "so, haven, i vow to always treat you with respect and tend to your needs, i will always make sure you know how much i adore you, i will always be there for you when you're having a hard day, and i'll always be your number one supporter in everything you do. thank you for taking a chance on the lovestruck boy that begged for you to help him pack up 1,000 pounds of skittles. i don't know where i'd be without you."

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