Hawwy Needs A Cookie

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Hermione paced back and forth in her office in front of her desk while a wide-eyed Vivian inspected her office door. Magic sparked from the obscure nature ward Hermione had learned in the country of Comoros while traveling for work.

Both witches ignored the demands to open the door from the other side.

"This is fascinating," Vivian murmured, waving her wand at the door and reading the information scrolling past. "It's not drawing power from your magic, it's tapping into the environment. Bloody hell, no wonder Croaker was practically salivating when you agreed to come work here."

"It's not as useful as it seems, but it's going to serve its purpose here," Hermione said, watching the ward flare as it reacted to Harry Potter, trying to rip it down. "That won't work on this ward!" She said louder and the gold threads of his magic retreated.

"Open the door, Harmony."

"Oh, that's not my name, Henry ."

A lower feminine voice on the other side said, "You lied about your name? Wait until Mum hears about this."

"Don't be a telltale, Zinny," Harry said sharply from closer to the other side of the closed door.

"I don't know. Maybe I'd feel more charitable if I had more bacon in me. My bacon levels are dangerously low."

Hermione glanced at Vivian with her eyebrows raised questioningly and the other woman shrugged not commenting on the Potter siblings, before going back to study the pattern of magic engulfing the door. "It has some similarity to a blood ward, but I didn't see you use any blood?"

"No, I didn't." Hermione didn't offer any more information. Her job was figuring out how magic worked, and breaking down spells, she more than most people knew that the effectiveness of some spells had an inverse relationship with how many people knew them. This particular ward would be completely useless if it was more commonly known, which was why it had fallen out of favor and been forgotten by most witches and wizards.

They both heard low furious whispers before the sound of retreating footsteps. They waited a few more minutes before Vivian finally spoke. "So. It's none of my business of course, but I heard the most entertaining tale while we rode up the lift, about Harry being quite upset about losing a muggle after a very hot date night."

Hermione looked down at her red and gold nails. The gold color did look suspiciously similar to the color of Harry's magic as he had tried to take down her ward. His favorite bloody colors? What were the chances? Impossible. Improbable.


Hermione's mind started feverishly making connections. Zinnia Potter. Harry Potter.

James Potter.

Lily Potter! She had almost gone into magical maladies because of Dr. Potter's work. Harry's father, James Potter, practically ran the Ministry even though he wasn't the Minister of Magic.

Hermione had managed to have a one-night stand with the son of one of the most famous families in bloody England! She wobbled over to her chair and sat down with a thump.

Vivian walked over and patted her shoulder consoling. "I'm sure it will blow over eventually."

Hermione groaned and covered her face giving herself several seconds to mope before straightening up and throwing back her shoulders. She would just have to have a firm, adult talk with one Auror Harry Potter and let him know that she wasn't interested in any type of office romance and apologize for running and not being an adult about things.

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