The Most Powerful Witch Magnet

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Harry her 'work friend' had done a full charm offensive on her parents as he had walked with them toward her flat while Hermione trailed fuming behind them. When they arrived at the entrance to her flat, Harry hesitated several seconds before entering, staring down at his feet before giving Hermione a sharp glance. Hermione could tell he realized that they were literally on top of his flat.

Yes, Henry. Hermione was fully aware of the full improbability of everything that was happening to them. Harry threw off his discomfit quickly though, to resume charming her parents like some two-bit wizard shopkeeper struggling for a sale off Knockturn Alley.

They had all flowed into her flat, laughing as they took seats in a semi-circle around the fireplace. Her dad declined to sit and instead stood next to her mum who was in the armchair. Which left Hermione sitting next to Harry while he rudely took up too much of the sofa with his overly large body. His unduly warm thigh pressed annoyingly against hers even though she had subtly inched away so they wouldn't touch.

Her traitorous cat almost immediately jumped into Harry's lap with an inquisitive rumble. Harry had taken it with aplomb and immediately started stroking Crookshanks. Now the cat looked at her knowingly from Harry's lap preening under his stroking hand. "Mew."

As if in collusion with Crookshanks, Harry broke off his conversation about football with her father and turned to look at her, a gleam in his devious green eyes. "Cat got your tongue, Hermione?"

Sticking her tongue at him in front of her parents would not do. Hermione inhaled quietly. "No, I was just thinking that you are overdue a meeting with Mrs. Hargreaves at work. I was thinking I should arrange that for you."

Harry's smile faltered and bit and he mouthed 'mean' at her before continuing louder. "That's sweet of you but no. Anyway, it's been a pleasure meeting my partner's parents! I don't want to intrude too much."

"Oh, not at all dear!" Helen Granger smiled at the charming man sitting next to her daughter. "I'm just sorry you two couldn't go to your picnic after all today. Maybe you could reschedule for next weekend? It's supposed to be beautiful weather I believe from the forecast."

"Well, I'll have to do my best to persuade Hermione to come with me then. Sometimes she becomes a bit singularly focused on work." Harry said with a little downturn of his mouth.

"Nonsense. Hermione is always saying she will focus on having more friends!" Helen Granger assured Harry noticing the way her daughter kept fixating on how close the young man's leg was to her. Helen had honestly entirely given up on the idea of grandchildren considering how single-minded her daughter could be about work. Her daughter excelled at ignoring obvious male interest, but Hermione seemed unable to look away from Harry for more than a minute. It had tickled Helen a bit to see the young couple covertly watching each other as if they each had a sixth sense when the other wasn't looking. She cheerfully applied a bit of parental pressure, "Hermione, dear, you'll go out with your friend next weekend, won't you? You could send your dad and me some nice pictures, too."

A sharp glance from his wife had Richard Granger's mind moving on from speculating on the next football match to assisting his wife's matchmaking. Richard stepped into the fray comfortably, "I'm so glad you've already made such nice friends, dear. I was really worried about you focusing so much just on us and work. It's such a relief to know you're already making such nice friends here in England."

Harry was convinced at this point that he quite adored Hermione's parents. Even her cat, which appeared to be half kneazle was giving off distinctly satisfied vibes while Hermione looked like she might slip him a stinging jinx or two at the first opportunity. He'd have to be on his toes.

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