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Everyone from ATLA get spit into our world and a few teens find out they are benders and help the Gaang fight. Everything is changed.There is more than just 4 types of benders.
Everyone finds love. Even good ol' Uncle Iroh gets a young wife.
Mae x OC
Aang x OC
Katara x OC
Sokka x OC
Toph x OC
Zuko x OC
Ty Lee x OC
Uncle Iroh x OC
Tao x OC
Haru x OC
Jett x OC
Yue x OC (she doesn't die!)
Possibly even Zhao & Azula. Just for the heck of it. Bloodbenders ONLY control the blood even if waterbenders can also bloodbend, bloodbenders CAN NOT waterbend.
  Plantbenders can control plants but can not waterbend. If I remember correctly that was how this certain "monster" worked. I believe this creature was made by these waterbenders using the water within the plants to make them move and make the plants take a swamp monster shape.
The girl Aang ends up with has the gift of 2 types of bending that being earthbending and firebending.
Zuko's girl is a plantbender and airbender.

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