The court case/Downfall of Molly Weasely

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One month later In my AU, the guards of Azkaban are strong magical creatures instead of Dementors
Judge:Molly Weasely, you stand accused of assault of Harry Sirius Riddle, and Attempted assault of Fleur DeLacour. I call the first witness to the stand, young Riddle? Harry:well, I was at Gringotts with Fleur trying to set up a future account for my baby sister for when she starts Hogwarts that I will top up for 6 years. But then Molly came up to me and commented on my relationship with Fleur, when I told her It's none of her business as she Isn't my Mother, she called my Mum a Slag, and then swiftly went to Fleur and started insulting everything about her, her astronomically larger intelligence by calling her a Dumb whore, said she opens her legs for any man with enough money and all sorts, then went to punch her, I blocked the attack and got this Black Eye. Judge:would you like to Weigh in Here Thomas? Tom:I'd rather not*clenching his teeth and drinking Firewhisky*. Judge:we need you to weigh in Tom. Tom:fine, Molly. What you did is inexcusable. You must face penalty. Sirius:that much is blatantly clear, but Molly, why. Just why, what were you doing at Gringotts, and may I remind you, you are under Veritaserum. Molly:stalking Harry. Tom:If I may ask, why were you stalking my son and his mate? Molly:to take him back to the Dursleys and Dumbledore. Tom:you mean to say that you wanted my son to be taken to that old bastard? WHY?! Molly:because you are an unfit parent! Harry:HOW DARE YOU CALL MY FATHER A BAD FATHER, WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN USE A CONDOM CORRECTLY! Fred and George:*clapping*BRILLIANT! Harry:I am sick and tired of you judging my family, WHY ARE YOU STILL LOYAL TO DUMBLEWHORE! Molly:He is the greatest wizard of the current age. Harry:His older brother is stronger, Dumblewhore had everything in life, yet he still alienated himself from his loved ones, He sent his sister to Death with his lust for power, Husband to Nurmengard, and so much more, Dumbledore suppressed my power out of fear I'd overtake him, while I have no intention of being revered, I will do what I must to protect the people I love and Care about from the Reaper known as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Tom:7 years in Azkaban. Judge:Meeting Adjourned*bangs gavel*!
1 year later
Molly:*asleep*. Dumbledore disguised as a Centaur:Oi! Wake up Weasely. Molly:*wakes up*what? Dumblewhore disguised as a Centaur:here, it's your 'bread'.
10 minutes later in Dumblewhore's home
Molly:thank you. Dumblewhore:Since I did something for you, you must do something for me, what is everything you know about the Riddles? Molly:I know that their daughter is very young, and they're very tight-knit, so when one domino falls, they all collapse. Dumblewhore:interesting, which one do you know most about? Molly:none.

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