Future and within Hogwarts P.2

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At the start of OOTP
Dumblewhore:Ok, only 2 announcements. First, we need to do sorting for a recent student and yet another new member of staff. Dolores:Thank you, headmaster. Minister Aberforth has seen some worrying things within this school so he believes that we need a new head of Hogwarts, but he also believes that you should all choose the best candidate out of 3 to be the Head of Hogwarts, 3 available slots for a chance at Headmaster/Headmistress. Also, as per his order, Bartemius Crouch Junior is cleared of all suspicion, as he was under Imperius. Barty:it was after my little sister got killed by a dog in her Animagus form, a squirrel.
Next week in the Headmaster's office, Umbridge and Aberforth sit down.
Aberforth:Now, Sirius, why would you be a good Headmaster? Sirius:I've helped raise Hadrian Riddle into the honourable young man he is, I helped Neville be more confident and to believe in himself and I can straighten out the young troublemakers, and when you were head you saw my grades, 7/10 of the subjects were amazing grades. Aberforth:How about you, Minerva, how are YOU suitable for the job? Minerva:With all due respect, sir, if I can handle the Marauders, this will be easy. Also, I have been able to raise the average GPA of Hogwarts students by 15 per cent. As well as my Order of Merlin and Aurour credentials, I'd be the best candidate, young Bartemius Senior was struggling daily but it seems the aptitude went to his son because this young lad was the smartest one in class, a Hermione. Barty:she wishes. Aberforth:Now, brother, why do you believe you should keep your job? Albus:my credentials and experience. Aberforth:In a few years, you'll be like Dad, mumbling about crazy things, but we still need a pupil vote. The person who gets the most votes will be the new head.

*Barty Crouch Jr, Minerva McGonagall or Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore*
A week later
Sorting Hat:Greetings and Salutations young students, ok now Dudley Evans is in Slytherin and voting for the new head of Hogwarts, shall COMMENCE, put me on your head and whisper your choice because as I have said time and time again, I am a thinking cap and even though I don't look the best, I shall eat myself if you find a hat smarter than I.
1 hour later
Sorting Hat:Now, the new head of Hogwarts is Rise for the Order of Merlin, Former Auror, and Transfiguration teacher Mrs MINERVA MCGONAGALL Minerva:Oh, thank you, Gregory, you are far too kind. As a headmistress, I will do my solemn duty to our lovely school and work with the Ministry of Magic and with Aberforth and Dolores to make this the greatest magic school worldwide. I thank you all for the votes, but I shall still be the teacher for transfiguration, but recently I have been able to make an exact clone of myself so I can do both, the clone will act as Headmistress but I will still teach. If anybody has any questions then come by my Office. Aberforth:now brother your tenure is over, but the Decision to kick you out lies with Minerva. Minerva:I know he provided Hogwarts with a great service, but all greatness has to end. The man is a century, so I'm sorry, but you must leave.

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