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Lucius:oh, hello Arthur, Fudge told me that you will be getting a promotion soon, it will include a pay rise and you'll be able to protect your children from Mollies control. Arthur:and you aren't messing with me? Lucius:I never joke about the jobs of purebloods Arthur, but if you don't want the promotion. Arthur:ok, what is the promotion? Lucius:we will be working closely together but we will be equals, so you will be able to see your sons and daughter more often, seeing as you love muggles, my friend Tom has agreed to convince Dumbledore to give you the position of muggle studies teacher. Arthur:OH MY FUCKING GOD!*hugs Lucius*thank you, but what is your position then? Lucius:well, the ministry is trying to revolutionize Hogwarts to accept squibs if they want to care for magical creatures or anything so I will be teaching Wizarding etiquette. Arthur:well, that is very fitting for you Lucius. I need to tell Molly. Lucius:Dumbledore wants you in his office and 8:30 in the morning. Arthur:ok.
In the Burrow
Arthur:Molly, you won't believe what just happened. Molly:what happened Arthur? Arthur:I got a promotion to teach at Hogwarts! Molly:bloody hell, that's brilliant Arthur hugs him tight*.

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