Second Meeting

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In Diagon alley
Dudley:*sees Harry*HEY HARRY! Harry:wait, why are you here? Minerva:Hello Mr Riddle. Harry:hey Mrs McGonagall. Dudley:I discovered that I have magic. Harry:wow, well I discovered that we aren't cousins. Petunia:Vernon is in Azkaban. Harry:wait, WHAT? That is fantastic. Tom:come on Harry, oh, Petunia. Petunia:hey Tom. Tom:how are you? Petunia:Good, we just need to get some things. Dudley:cool ring Harry. Harry:oh thanks, It was given to me by my aunt and Uncle. Dudley:oh, cool. Harry:yeah, well we were just about to go to Ollivanders, but you'd need to get your money from Gringotts, Auntie Lilly and Uncle James had a massive vault that they left for you.
In Ollivanders
Garrick:Ah, Thomas Riddle, Haven't seen you for quite a while. Tom:well, recently my Son's personality changed so he needs a new wand. Harry:my magic core has been recently defective. Garrick:show me. Harry:Protego*massive echo*and that was a low-level spell so. Garrick:ah, what is your core now? Harry:dark. Garrick:that is weird, your core is darker than your father's, try this*hands harry a wand that is made from Yew wood with a Dementor cloak, Unicorn blood and Basilisk venom*this is the strongest wand ever made, stronger than the elder wand. Harry:Expelliarmus. Garrick:wow, this is the right wand for you. Now, Mister Dursley? Dudley:Gaunt. Garrick:Mr Gaunt, try this wand, Eleven Inches, Yew wood and Unicorn Hair. Dudley:Levicorpus. Garrick:amazing.
With the Weaselys
Ron:hey Harry. Harry:stay away from me Ronald, Ginevra and Molly. Arthur:what have my youngest kids and my wife done. Harry:well Professor, your wife signed an Illegal blood adoption to control me, your son called my Mum and Aunt Narcissa evil, Slutty Cows and Ginny was being manipulated but I don't have anything against you, Fred, George, Percy, Bill or Charlie, and you are a really good professor. Tom:I hope the position is treating you well Arthur. Fred:thank you for your generous donation of your Triwizard winnings Harry. George:Weasleys Wizard Wheezes is opening today. Harry:try making a faux Veritaserum as a scare. Fred:thanks for the Idea, we tried it on Ron but got grounded even though we gave him a Galleon after that we never got back. Molly:maybe don't use your brother as a guinea-pig for your joke shop. George:we gave him a Galleon and he asked us for one of the Joke sweets. Ron:It looked so real though. Fred:that is the joke Ickle Ronniekins, it has to look real so people would fall for it. Harry:that is brilliant. Fred:thank you my friend. Bill:hello, sorry for my Mum, little brother Ron and Ginny. Harry:it's alright, but I heard that you work with Dragons? Bill:yeah, they are completely misunderstood creatures and really fascinating once you get to know one but the Hungarian Horntail I sent is very aggressive. Harry:don't need to tell me twice, nearly bit off my hand. Barty Crouch Jr:hey. Tom:hey Barty, didn't you become a teacher at Hogwarts? Barty Crouch Jr:yeah, Defense against the dark areas and Sevvy is properly pissed off so now he's in his office sleeping off a Mead and Firewhiskey headache. Snape:oh shut up Barty, at least I don't look like a pervert with a nervous tick. Tom:*laughs*. Barty:you got me there, but I was nearly sent to Azkaban because Dumblewhore wants me gone.

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