World-Cup and Re-sorting

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Time skip to 4th movie
In the AU Harry doesn't have the famous lighting bolt scar, he is just abnormally skinny so Ron gives Harry his roast beef sandwich and they become friends
Draco:Ok, so Harry? Harry:yes Draco? Draco:so have you thought about what to do first when we return to Hogwarts? Harry:well, I'll ask the hat to re-sort me and we'll go from there. Lucius:Harry, Draco and Minister Fudge gave me 5 tickets to see the Quidditch World Cup, I already invited Tom and Barty Crouch Junior so I have two tickets left so would you two like to come? Harry:Definitely. Draco:we are both seekers so yes, please.
At the World Cup in the Weasleys tent.
Ron:oh, my god, the way he flies is like a bird, he's brilliant. George:*squawking like a bird*KRUM KRUM KRUM. Ginny:Think you're in love Ron? Fred:Viktor, I love yoooooouuu. George:Viktor, I doooooo. Fred and George:When I'm alone my heart beats only for yoooooooooou. Percy:oh, shut it you Pillocks, he is merely in awe about Krum's Skills on the pitch. Fred:you mean above. George and Fred:*High-five*. Bill:but you are only defending him because you were like him once. Charlie:hey guys, sorry I had to calm down that Ukrainian Ironbelly at Gringotts. Ron:hey big bro. Ginny:the match is about to start.
In the stadium
Announcer:on the Bulgarian team we have Clara Ivanova, Lev Zograf, Pyoltyr Vulchanov, Ivan Volkov, Alexei Levski, Vasily Dimitrov aaaaaaand, VIKTOR KRUUUUUUUUM! And the mascots are baby Ukrainian Ironbellies, look at the cute little things flying about. And here comes the Beauxbatons team of*enter the teammate's names*and their cheerleaders are a group of 5 Veela including the top student at Beauxbatons Fleur Delacour. Fleur:*winks at Harry*. Harry:*has a little boner*.
2 hours later
Announcer:And KRUM CATCHES THE SNITCH, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, HE WON THE BLOODY GAME 1900-552! The crowd:*screaming*.
After the match
Viktor:hello, I recognize you Harry potter from miles away, you must meet me in Diagon alley tomorrow. Harry:Ok, you did well. Fleur:(heavy french accent)good job out there Viktor, you were flying so fast only a Thestral could catch up to you. Viktor:thank you, Fleur. Fleur:Bonjour Harry Potter. Harry:Bonjour Madamoiselle. Fleur:oh, you speak French? Harry:Oui Belle Dame. Fleur:oh my, well would you like to go out at the weekend? Harry:yes I would. Fleur:Au revoir Viktor, Au revoir Bel homme~*kisses his cheek*. Harry:wow. Draco:ok how did you do that Harry? Seriously that was so fast and you made a VEELA blush, A VEELA FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. Harry:I don't even know, she was just amazed that I knew French. Viktor:she is from High society, she gravitates toward Smart and handsome people and she sees you as cultured, also as Veela she isn't used to being treated as a woman instead of a piece of meat to be stared at. In other words, you were kind so she asked you out. Harry:well, that is brilliant. Ron:*runs to Krum*can you sign my broom? Viktor:of course, what is your name? Ron:Ron Weasely. Viktor:*signs the broom*. Ron:thank you, sir. Ron:Call me Viktor. Ron:Ok, Viktor. Harry: Hello, Ronald. Ron:hey mate, where've you been? Harry:Malfoy Manor. Draco:hello Weasel. Ron:what are you doing here Malfoy? Harry:his name is Draco, Weasely, also leave us alone, your Mother helped Dumblewhore control me so screw off. Draco:thanks, Harry. Ron:ok, later mate. Viktor:are you Deaf, he said he doesn't want to interact with you, leave before I shove my fist down your throat so far you will need a tonsillectomy to remove it. Ron:*runs back to the tent*. Lucius:ah, Mr Krum, how is your father? Mr Krum:greetings Comrade, I see you have met my young lad, he is the best Seeker in all of Bulgaria. Lucius:yes, he is quite fast. Viktor:well, I have been supplied with the best broom by my headmaster and can make it as fast as any magical creature, even a Thestral couldn't outpace me. Harry:Well, Draco and I are also Seekers. Mr Krum:yes, you are famous for being the youngest wizard to ever join a Quidditch team at the ripe Old age of 11. Harry:yes I am.
The next day at Diagon alley
Viktor:ahh, Harry my friend, it is great to see you here*hugs him*. Harry:hey Viktor*hugs him back*how are you mate? Viktor:I am doing well and Fleur and I might be chosen for the Tri-wizard tournament. Harry:my father was one of the Tri-wizard champions, so the tasks are diving down into a lake, Grabbing a Dragons egg, and flying away from a Dragon, so from one Seeker to another, I know you'll do well, and the final task is walking through a maze and take a Port-key to a graveyard, the cup is the Port-key, I know my father is protecting you. Viktor:yes, and you know that I will have to kill Cedric Diggory. Harry:of course, but make sure it happens outside of the Labyrinth so his father and Cho will see the colour drain from his eyes, my father loves things like that. Viktor:he is not alone in that. Ron:oh, hey Harry, how are you doing mate? Harry:don't call me to mate, but before you ask, I am not living with the Dursleys because somebody tried to lead me down a darkened path and now I have been given Lumos. Ron:what? Harry:I know who my real allies are you Biggots, tell me, Ronald and Hermione, why do you believe Slytherins are bad? Ron and Hermione:Snape. Ron:and because they are. Harry:well, I hope you two know that Merlin is a Slytherin, and I was nearly a Slytherin but I thought they were evil, that is what I mean by Lumos, James and Lilly were not my biological parents, they had to fake being my parents so I would be safe. And I no longer trust You, Hermione Ginevra, or your Mother Molly. I cannot Judge the rest of your family as I have for you, and your father might receive a promotion soon, now get on with your date. Viktor:well, that shut him up.
In The leaky cauldron
Harry:three fire whiskeys, please. Fleur:Bonjour Harry~ I didn't expect to see you here. Harry:I could feel your aura from a mile away. Fleur:well, I am a Veela after all. Harry:Is that why you are so "Hot"? Fleur:why Harry? Seriously that was so bad. Harry:sorry, it was a low-hanging fruit. Viktor:nice. Fred:hey Harry. George:hey Krum. Fred and George:hey Fleur. Harry:don't, I'm going on a date with her on Saturday. Fred:good on you Harry, even better than dating Cho. Harry:she's with Cedric Fred. Fleur:do not Joke about relationships around a Veela. Harry:don't worry Fleur, they aren't like Ronald. Fred:yeah, we have 6 owls instead of 0. Fleur:I know your little brother and sister are bottom-barrel Wizards. Fred:and our Mother is even worse, she spoils Ron and Ginny and sent us a howler every year for loving Dad and hating her, you ever wonder why Bill and Charlie only see Mum on her birthday and Holidays? Harry:Not anymore. Barkeep:here*hands them the fire whisky*. Harry:thanks. Fleur:this is regular whiskey for me. Harry:makes sense.

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