The shift of Allegiance

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Albus:*with Fudge*Now, you hate my brother, correct? Fudge:Yes, Albus. Peter:You called for me, sir? Albus:Yes, Peter. Peter:What do you need? Albus:Well, I have a plot to make the riddles seem less credible. Peter:So, what is it, kidnapping his sister? Albus:No, we need to ramp it up. Fudge:What about putting Dolores under Imperius? Albus:No, We'll just kidnap his sister, but we need a random person. Fudge:Why? Albus:I plan to remake the boy who lived.
A month later
Albus:*with Ginevra*Now, young Ginevra, I have a plan to make Harry love you again. Ginevra:Really? Albus:Yes, come with me.
In shell cottage
Albus:now*sends the letter to Harry*. Harry:*reads it and Apparates*.
In shell cottage
Harry:WHERE IS SHE YOU OLD BASTARD! Ginevra:I'm here, Harry*pushes him down*. Harry:*gets back up*No, not you, my little sister. Albus:she is here. Harry:Why do you have her?
30 minutes later
Albus:Let's get this over with*aims his wand at Harry*Say hello to your aunt and uncle for me, AVADA KEDAVRA*makes Harry a Horcrux*. Harry:*punches Dumblewhore in the face, grabs his sister, Ginny, and Apparates home and starts writing a letter*.
10 minutes later
Harry:*sends the letter and puts his sister down*.
In shell cottage
Albus:Now, that was a success. Fawkes:*angry and teleports away*.
In Riddle Manor
Fawkes:*kaw*. Harry:*goes outside with Fleur*. Fawkes:*dives down on Harry's elbow*. Harry:*pats Fawkes head*. Fleur:something seems weird about him. He seems like his Alegiance has changed. Fawkes:*holding a letter*. Harry:*opens the letter*.
Dear Harry

Dumbledore plans to make you a Horcrux, he tried to kill me.
Warmest regards, Ginevra Molly Weasely.
Fleur:oh dear lord, he is so messed up. Harry:he is a manipulative old prick. Fleur:yes, but to kill a person just to get a puppet, It's sickening. Harry:you're lucky Madame Maxime cared about education, the Wizarding world gave half bloods an unshakeable stigma, my Uncle Remus was one of only 25 people that joined the Order, instead of the Heroes welcome he deserved, he was mocked and blocked, he is incredibly gifted, yet unable to teach because of the legislation passed by the old Goat. Fleur:you've had a hard life. Harry:yes, I have. Do veela use owls? Fleur:Yes, but Veela are more gentle, Fawkes is like a sister to me.

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