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Bucky watch the interaction; more like Sam shaking his head towards what Sarah was talking about on the phone.

She was openly embarrassing her older brother on the phone, with Alara beside him. It seems now everyone knows Alara's secret; well everyone in the aircraft now.

"Thank god you told Sam," Sarah said in the call, "Everytime I talk about how sexy you look to Sam–

"What!?"Alara looks at her in confusion, somehow pushing Sam aside; seeing the flustered look on Sam and the giggling mess his little sister made.

"I was trying to set you up with my brother!" Sarah openly confessed and Alara tilted her head, glaring towards Sarah who was continuously giggling; Sam snatched the phone from Alara's grasp and began lecturing Sarah.

Alara could only cover her mouth; kind of taken-aback on her best friend's guts; That was when she met Bucky's blue eyes who was staring far towards her way. Alara learns that he had a habit of staring; she realises that when she saw Bucky just staring towards Sam, as if he was trying to read the Falcon.

Bucky didn't even realise that Alara had already made her way towards him– until he saw a black ponytail. Feeling his gaze, Alara looked upwards towards him, "Do you have a habit of staring at people?"

Bucky smirked slightly, his blue eyes locking onto Alara's. "Maybe I do," he replied casually. "But only when they're interesting."

Alara raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his response. "And am I interesting to you?"

He shrugged, looking somewhat amused. "You could say that. I've noticed you've got something different about you. You seem to hold your ground even in chaotic situations like this one."

She chuckled, feeling a bit flattered. "Well, I guess I learned how to handle chaos from hanging around with Sam and his sister all the time."

Bucky nodded, understanding the sentiment. "They do seem like a handful, especially Sarah."

"Oh, she definitely is," Alara agreed, shaking her head fondly. "But she means well. She just has an odd way of showing it sometimes."

"Tell me about it," Bucky said with a chuckle. "I've seen my fair share of awkward family dynamics."

As they exchanged small talk, the conversation flowed easily between them. Alara discovered that Bucky had a surprisingly warm and friendly side beneath his stoic exterior, and Bucky found himself captivated by Alara's wit and charm.

Before long, they were engrossed in their own little world, seemingly oblivious to the commotion around them. Sam, who had finished lecturing his sister, noticed the two of them engrossed in conversation and couldn't help but smirk.

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