Butterflies- Matt Sturniolo

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Y/n Pov

I am getting ready to go over to my boyfriends house. Matt. Matt Sturniolo. Yes I am aware of how famous he is and how many girls want him. But I never thought about how much hate I would get with just being his girlfriend. 

But to be fair there were some great fans but then there were the one that would literally break my heart. Matt was always there though, he told me to just ignore the hate comments and only listen to the positive ones. 

That worked till the triplets posted a Q and A video and the comments weren't the nicest. Most of then were great, they would say things like "I love y/n, she really makes all you guys just smile more" and "you should put y/n in more videos" but then their were comments like, "why would you bring her in if anything she just makes the video boring" or " Matt deserves better, she isn't even all that pretty".

I never knew how mean people can be until you date someone famous. But I loved Matt and I didn't want to lose him over little fan girls, because I knew all they wanted was for us to break up so they could "have him" like that was ever gonna happen. After I was gone getting ready I texted Matt to tell him I was on my way. 

Matt=bold  y/n= normal 

~big bad Bernard Matty boy~

                                           Hey, baby im on my way over right now :)

Great I can't wait to see you, Im so happy I get to see you I haven't seen you in a while 

                                            ikkkk I missed you so much, ill see you soon 

Okay I love you 

                                            I love you too 

As I pulled into matts drive way, I seen him come outside with a smile. The smile I fell involve with.

he opened my car door and helped me out, as soon as my foot left my car I jumped into matts arms and held him tight. I planted a long sweet kiss on his lips. I couldn't stayed like that with him forever until I heard Chris. the one time I don't want to hear Chris, he always finds a way to cockblock me and Matt but I love him. 

I gave Chris a hug and then we all walked into the house. I seen nick and he had a giant smile on his face and said "y/n omg I missed you" he said with a small laugh. " I missed you too nick, more than anything!!" I said "heyyy what about me" Matt said acting offeneded " yeah yeah whatever you know I missed you too" I said laughing 

time skip 

We all have been just watching tv and playing board games, I was having the time of my life until I heard my phone go off. I checked and it was a message from instagram, a fan had texted me. 

I was excited to open up the message because most of the time people are nice and always have something Nice to say. But that wasnt the call. It has read "y/n please just get over yourself, Matt is only dating you because he couldn't find anyone better and please if they ever ask you to be in a video again then just say no it will make all of the fans and the triplets better" I read that trying not to cry.

"hey ill be right back, im gonna go to the bathroom" I said leaving matts embrace just trying to get to the bathroom to not cry in front of him. 

I just couldn't get it out of my head "am I really that bad" I said out loud. I guess I had not realized how long I had been in the bathroom because Matt knocked on the door, " hey princess you alright in there?" I could hear the worry in his voice and I didn't want him to worry about me so I had to make up a lie. 

 "yeah im just on my period and you know how that is, ill be out in a minute" I said with my voice breaking, obviously Matt heard and didn't let me lie. " y/n what's wrong, let me in" I didn't want to let him in I didn't want him to know that the comment had got to me. but then that's when I realized I left my phone outside the door on the counter. " y/n... what is this?" fuck that's when I knew he had seen may phone. " y/n let me in now" it sounded like he was getting mad, I didn't open the door still and that's when I heard an extra two pair of feet walk up to the door, "is she okay?" I heard Chris say. 

" im fine, I told Matt why im in here, just go finish watching the movie" I said still trying to lie but I knew it wasn't me getting anywhere. " y/n if you don't open this door I will break it down" I then opened the door because I didn't want him to ruin his bathroom door because of me. He opened the door to see me crying with red eyes. I seen his angry expression change and go into a frown. I seen nick and Chris leave out of sympathy.

I knew Matt would tell them later so it didn't matter, "I know what's wrong but I told you not to believe them" he said looking me in the eye, I almost forgot to answer him back after looking in them too long. "its hard to when it the only texts you get" I seen his eyes start to tear up, I felt bad that he was starting to cry and that's when he said " im sorry, im so so sorry that I put you through this, we should of just kept our relationship a secret, god I feel like such a bad boyfriend damnit I feel like a bad person that I put you through this, I don't even understand why you love me. im useless and don't have anyone in my life besides you and my brothers."

he shed a tear, almost instantly I took my thumb to whip it off, " Matt, baby, its not your fault, not at all. I love you and that's the only reason im taking this hate is because as long as im with you it doesn't matter, I really don't care okay, I don't , I don't care about the hate. the only reason im crying is because I've dealt with it for to long. but just remember" I paused " I love you and nothing will ever change that, not a hate comment not my parents, not a stranger. Because I will always love you and that will never change." 

he looked up at me and had a small smile, he looked at my eyes then my lips, he looked me back in the eyes and then gently grabbed my face, pulled me in slowly and his lips landed on mine, I don't know what it was but this kiss was perfect, it felt like I was melting into Matt, I never wanted this kiss to end. until it did. Matt looked into my eyes and smiled, I got lost in his eyes and I fell inlove all over again, not only did I fell inlove again but i felt the same butterflies that I felt when I first seen him. and I loved the feeling, the feelings of knowing I was with the love of my life. 

1275 words 

Please be nice to me this is my first tike writing something like this and im just now being able to write. tell me what else you like the read, give me some ideas in the future. Thank youuuu

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