I only have eyes for you - Matt Sturniolo

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y/ns pov 

I was at matts house right now and we were filming a baking video and im never in them I just record them, I don't mind recording but to get better shots we have to record of the camera and matts phone. 

Matt was blindfolded and was making a mess. All he had to make was cupcakes, if anything that's the easiest to make blindfolded but matt sucked at cooking anyway. 

"matt your phone is gonna die" I said "what's it at?" he said looking at the wall thinking he was looking at me I grabbed his face bring him to 'look at me' even though he really couldn't look at me, he laughed "it's at 13%" I said "nick do you think that will last" matt said to nick "it should were almost done 

Time skip

We were about to show matt his finally "masterpiece" and I started recording on his phone, "matt go ahead and come out" chris said through the door, the door opened to what looked like a tired Matthew. " he walked up to me and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for a hug, completely forgot I was recording on his phone. "ahhh does Matty bear wanna cuddle" chris said mocking matt in a baby voice "yes, yes I do" matt said "ill cuddle you Matty" chris said pulling matt to him 

I laughed at how matt was cuddled up to chris, then I heard a ding. It was matts phone. "I really want to see you again 😚 just leave y/n again and say you're getting food like you did last time "  is what read on matts phone "matt what the hell!" I said to matt "what is it y/n" nick said to me "matt who tf is this" I said shoving the phone in mats face 

"shit" was all he said I sat his phone on the counter and ran off to his room, grabbing my phone, bag and extra (just incase clothes) and then ripping matts hoodie off myself even though I know that ill get cold but I didnt care at the moment "wait where are you going?" matt said rushing into his own room

"im leaving" I said also trying to figure out how I was getting home since matt picked me up, "wait y/n let me explain" Matt said grabbing my hand "no matt, what the hell does this girl mean when she says leave y/n again?!" I said letting go of his hand "y/n just wait a second" 

"and now that I realize it, how many times have you cheated on me?" I said to matt "CHEATED..... MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!" nick said walking Ito the door with Chris "I didnt cheat on her" matt said to his brothers "well then why is she saying it dude" chris said "BECAUSE HE DID" I yelled 

"I didnt baby, just listen to me for a second" matt said and I start feeling it getting harder to breathe, an panic attack was about to happen and I wasn't ready for it. "y/n are you okay?" nick said "she's having a panic attack, Hey y/n, baby, look at me" matt said grabbing my shoulder "don't touch me Matthew" I said trying to not show I needed help "y/n stop just breath for a second" "im fine, but I can't...... believe......you......I did.....nothing but love..... you" I said trying to catch my breath

 "I DIDNT CHEAT" matt said yelling at me "THEN.....WHAT DID ....... YOU DO" I said yelling "let me explain, please, before you leave me" matt said looking at me as he was talking I was calming down fuck his voice just helped me. But that's all over right now "fine Matthew, explain" I said looking at him "the girl that texted me was Maddie-" I cut him off  "MADDIE, MY BEST FRIEND!! YOU CHEATED ON MY WITH MY BEST FRIEND" 

"NO NO NO, let me finish, I changed her name so you wouldn't know who she was and text her, we have been planning something for you birthday, and the only reason she texted like that was because that's but how Maddie texts" I started to feel bad because he right and I believed him "im sorry" I said setting my bag down, matt motioned for his brothers to leave snd then closed his door 

"its okay, I would react the exact same way" he said sitting next to me "I ruined your surprise" I said kinda laughing 'its alright, now you can be ready for it" matt then grabbed the hoodie that I took off and brought it over to me "here, your freezing I can tell" he helped me put it back on "trust me y/n, I only have eyes for you


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