Sleepover - Matt Sturniolo

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y/n pov 

Ive been inlove with Matt since I don't know how long but sadly he hasn't being noticing me lately. and that's because of a girl. Emma to be exact. Matt's best friend 

I have been at the sturniolos house for a while because they wanted to film a video and they left their battery at my house so I brought it over and nick just told me to stay. 

I had got thirsty and went down stairs and there he was. sitting on the couch wanting TV. 

"hey matt, how you doing?" I said to him and he looked over pausing his show "im doing good at the moment, how are you toddler?" I rolled my eyes, matt has always called me toddler because he says I act like a kid when I don't get what I want. "im fine loser" I said and he laughed

"do you want to hang out today? movie marathon?" I said smiling, I thought he'd smile back but he didnt, he looked down "um im actually gonna hang out with Emma today, we've been planning to hang out" he said no looking at me 

"oh cool what are you guys doing?" I said trying not to act hurt "uhm.. a.. um.. were going to do a.. movie.. movie marathon." he said looking up at me 

"oh." I said and finished grabbing my water "im sorry, I mean we can hangout after she leaves" he said "no its fine, she'll probably be here awhile anywa-" his phone ringing cut me off "its Emma I gotta answer this" he said and answered

'yeah I mean I wasn't talking to you, I guess just answer her.' I said under my breath 

"heyyy Emma what's up?" he paused "oh okay great" he got off his phone and looked at me, he knew I didnt like Emma but he still always. hung. out. with. her. "Emma's outside so um I gotta go out there" he said looking at me "mhm" I said grabbing my water and taking a sip. 

that's when she walked in "oh hi toddler" she said and started laughing, she's always hated me , I seen matt look at me "why would you tell her that" I said looking at him and walking away "wait y/n" he said and I was already walking up the stairs 

"come on lets start watching movies" Emma said "yeah" matt said and sat down on the couch 

I was sitting on nicks bed as he was streaming, and me phone went off 

Matty B 😍

Hey y/n, im sorry I didn't think she would use it to make fun of you.

                                                                                                                                 its fine

Are you sure?

                                                                                                                          mhm its fine. 



Im not mad at him, my nickname was kinda our thing. but now it was their thing on how to make fun of me. 

~time skip~

it has been 5 hours and I was getting hungry so I went down to go get food, when I walked down I seen Emma's head on matts lap and he was watching TV. he seen me and moved Emma's head and started walking to me. "y/n im so sorry I didnt think she'd be here this long' I looked at the time and it was currently 2am "well I mean its 2am so I don't really want to hang out anymore anyways" I said and he looked at me 

"don't be like that, I obviously wanted to hang out with you after" he said "yeah after." I said 

I need to tell him. I need to tell him I like him. I just dont know how.

"why do you even care so much?" he said. fuck it. 

"because im inlove with you" I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. he had big eyes "what? what did you just say" he said smiling "nothing, im going to go to bed." I said an the grabbed my waist as I was walking away "matt get off of me" I said and he grabbed my face and looked down at me "shut up" he whispered, he then kissed me 

I pulled away, and looked at him, he was smiling "no, no, dont do me any favors." I said moving away from him "y/n. I love you too. ive always been inlove with you, I promise Emma doesn't mean anything to me besides someone to hang out with when your not around. I didnt know you were coming today" he said and walked closer to me. 

I started crying "then why are you always with her" I said pointing to Emma "I dont know" he said "exactly Matthew" I said trying to walk away again, he grabbed me arm and pulled me back,  "matt p-please, j-j-just stop." I said trying not to cry more 

"y/n, I love you more than you know, I really do. im to doing you any favors and im not doing this just because you dont like Emma because y/n, I really love you" he said wiping away my tears falling with his thumb. 

I just looked and him and he smiled, I knew he might it. I laughed and pulled him in and kissed him like my life depended on it. I felt him smiling into the kiss. this had to be the most perfect kiss ive ever had. he moved his hand to my waist and I put my arm around his neck pulling his closer, I felt to happy in this moment. 

we both pulled away for air and his lips were red and swollen,"y/n can I be your boyfriend? please?" I smiled "if only I can be your girlfriend?" I said laughing "you're a dork." he said "I love you Bernard" I said "I love you more princess" he said "no more toddler?" I asked "no, not no more. because you're mine now, so that means will do anything for you. anything." he said smiling. 

"lets go to bed." I said "wait one thing before we do, stand here" I waited as I seen him talkback to the living room and turn the TV off and wake Emma up "Emma." he said moving her a little "hiiii' she said waking up 

"get tf out of my house" matt said, and my jaw dropped "what? what did I do?" Emma said "get. tf. out. of. my. house." matt said again slowly. " and lose my number" matt said "you're an asshole" she said getting up and leaving. 

'I can't believe you just did that" I said "do you believe me now?" he said "yes, yes I do" I said laughing he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me smiling. "lets go to bed, im tired" I said "yeah come on lets go." 



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