Don't leave me -Matt sturniolo

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Me and matt have been arguing like crazy, I'll be honest it was my fault, I was the problem in this. ive been yelling at him for no reason I just haven't been in the mood recently, I do feel bad but every time I go to apologise he thinks im trying to start something. 

"matt where's my favorite cup" I said looking at him "just look harder" matt said not looking up from his phone. I kept on looking and found it but it was at the top shelf. "Matthew can you help me please?" he looked at me and got up and helped me but he ended up dropping it and breaking it into pieces. "NO!! MATT WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" I said and then I realized how it sounding. I looked at him and his eyes were watery and he looked down at his feet, he then looked up at me "matt wait im sorry just listen-" matt cut me off "no im done!! im tired of you always yelling at me! IM DONE!!" 

"what just listen" I said "NO!" he grabbed all my stuff and throw it outside and then opened the door "GET OUT !!! IM DONE!!!! WERE DONE!!!" he then pushed me out of the door and slammed the door. I turned around and just sat there for a second. Did I just lose the love of my life?

I accepted that he kicked me out and I turned around and grabbed all my stuff off of the ground and walked to my car. once I got into my car I just bawled, i was really heartbroken. I didnt wanna Lose him. and maybe if I was a better girlfriend I wouldn't have lost him and maybe we'd still be together. I look up from my car and I seen matt crying in the kitchen. It broke my heart. Ive ruined him. and now we aren't together anymore 

im gonna miss him. 

Time skip (11 months later)

I still think about him. I think about him not in my bed anymore, about how he don't hold me anymore. me, nick, and chris don't talk anymore too sadly 

I was on my way to the gas station, it was the one that matt and I always went to because it was the "best" one according to him. i walked in to buy my gas and there he was. Matthew Sturniolo buying gas. he seen me and bought his gas and walked past me. I said fuck the gas and followed him out "matt wait" he turned around and looked at me "what's up, how you been" he said and looked at me in the eyes. I think I was looking too long because he gave me a confused look. "sorry, ive been good, how about you" I said "ive been okay-" then he got cut off. "matt, babe, come on we gotta make it to our baby shower" some girl said to him. 

"Babe? baby shower?" I said to him "yeah" he looked at his feet "I can see you've been doing just fine, im gonna go" I said walking back into the store and paying for my gas. I felt my eyes get watery 'how did he get move on so fast' I said to myself. when I walked out and got into my car I seen matt hadn't left yet, I rolled my window down and heard him and his girlfriend or wife or fiancé I don't know. 

"matt who was that girl?" the girl said "she was just an old friend don't worry about it" he said, I wasn't just a friend. "It doesn't seen like it!! it looked like she was about to cry!! what happened between you two" she said "listen, we were just friends we just drifted. it obviously hurt her more than me." ouch. that hurt. "Matty im pregnant with your baby!!! Tell her to get over it" who the fuck does she think calling my Matthew 'matty' I only called him that "don't call me that" he said "why? I hear chris call you it all the time!!" she said "BECAUSE Y/N CALLED ME THAT AND YOUR NOT HER!! AND YOULL NEVER BE AS GREAT AS HER!!" matt snapped, I gasped 

matt heard me and turned around and seen me listening "shit" was all he said "im sorry, I didnt mean to listen to your conversation" I said and the girl came out of the car "YOUVE ALWAYS RUINED OUT RELATIONSHIP!!! HE CONSTANTLY TALKS ABOUT YOU!! NO WONDER HE GOT ME PREGNANT!! IT WAS TO FORGET ABOUT YOU!! YOU UGLY PIECE OF SHIT-" matt cut her off "HEY! YOU WILL NOT TALK TO HER LIKE THAT AND IF YOU WANT TO I WILL GLADLY TAKE YOU HOME RIGHT NOW" he said 'why is he sticking up for me' I thought 

"yk what matt, that's why this baby isn't even yours!! its your ex best friend's" I looked at matt, his jaw was clinched and I couldn't tell if he was about to cry or if he was about to scream 

that's when the gas station owner walked out, "ALL OF YOU OUT NOW!!" and I was walking back to my car and I started my car when I seen my passenger car open, and it was matt. "where we going" he said "what are you doing" I asked him and I looked up and seen matts gf well ex gf driving away "where are we going?" he asked again with a smirk "were going home" I said smiling "good choice" he whispered grabbing my hand 

I looked at him and I realized we were both leaning in, we grabbed my face and then pulled me in for a kiss. I started crying, matt pulled away "hey hey what's wrong" he said looking at my eyes "I just don't wanna lose you again" I said looking down, he pulled my face back up to look at him "that's not gonna happen, we are in this forever this time okay?" he said and I nodded with a smile. We drove home with his hand on my thigh and a smile on our faces. 


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