Secret Relationship - Matt Sturniolo

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Y/n pov 

Me and Matt have been dating for almost 6 months now and we haven't told anyone yet, not his followers and not evens his brothers. We both agreed we wanted to keep it a secret until we were both ready. 

Matt invited me over to film a car video and of course nice I'm in most of them I said I would film it with them, I didn't know what it was about yet but I'm sure he'll tell me when I get there.  I was  pulling into matts driveway when I seen that he was pacing back and forth near his car. 

I got out and walked up to him "hey, Matt, what's the matter?" I said "y/n im sorry, im so so sorry" he said not looking at me "Matt what is it, tell me" I said worried "Nick h-he said that today video is going to be a Q and A, im sorry I didnt think that's what todays video was gonna be" he said sounding like he was about to cry "hey its okay, we just hope there's no dating questions and if there is, we lie." I said. 

"okay your right" he said, I was just glad I got ere before he had a panic attack. Chris and Nick walked out "Y/N YOUR HERE!!!" said Nick. "y/n ive missed you" said Chris while him and Nick hugged me "Matt what are you doing out here?" Chris said, I looked at Matt. "I was just waiting for her" Matt said. 

"oh well okay, are you guys ready to film the Q and A?" Chris said walking to the car. I sighed " yeah were ready" I said in fact not ready at all " y/n sit in the front" Matt said "what was but im always in the front" Chris complained "its fine I sit back with Nick so baby Chris can sit in the front with his boyfriend" I said laughing 

Time skip

"HEY GUYS AND TODAY WERE ARE ANSWERING SOME OF YOUR QUESTIONS!" Nick screamed and I seen Chris turn around "Nick shut the fuck up, why are you always so loud" Chris yelled and me and Matt just laughed. 

"okay first question, How did you guys meet y/n?" nick said the first question "we meet y/n in first grade, and I guess we've just been friends every since" Matt turned around and smiled at me, I smiled back at him then looked away because I didn't want to see anymore of those edits of me and Matt on tiktok, But I secretly liked them. 

Time skip 

"okay guys last question... Why are y/n and Matt so close?" Nick read and Matt immediately turned around and looked at me waiting for me to answer "well I guess like Matt said earlier were just best friends and we just got closer the more we hung out" I said then looked at Nick, "okay y/n you know we don't believe that shit" nick said to me and Matt but more to me. "fuck it" Matt said then turned around with his hand and grabbed my face pulling me in and then kissing me hard and I was surprised and happy at the same time. 

5 months of hiding down the drain and wow did this kiss feel amazing even though it only lasted 5 seconds. Matt let go of my face and then looked at the camera then looked out the window. I smiled " NO WAYYYY BRO, YOU GUYS ARE JOKING RIGHT" Chris screamed " no were not boys" Matt said "MY BOY, BIG BAD BERNARD MATTY BOY, YOU GOT THE GIRL YESSSSSSS" chris hyped up Matt. 

"y/n why didnt you tell me" Nick said to me "no wonder y/n was always in Matt's room I just thought they were that close" chris said "no we are that close but we were just a little closer than you thought we were" I said smirking and then Matt looked back at me and smiled. 

"okay well I guess that's all you guys we'll see you on Fridays video" nick said as Matt reached back and grabbed my hand chris went to turn the camera off "wait I got an idea" Matt said grabbing the camera "love you guys byeeeeeeee" he said kissing the camera "hey im the only one that should be getting kissed by you" I said acting offended. 

Everyone laughed, and the video ended "okay guys that was a good video I think, but how and the hell did we don't know you guys were together." chris said "well you suck at context clues" Matt said "wait actually right before we got in the car me and y/n were holding hands" matt continued "WHAT!! NICK HOW DID WE NOT SEE THAT!!?" Nick laughed "congrats at dealing with Matt" nick said to me 

"Thank you, if not all that bad sometimes" I said laughing and then seeing Matt smile, "how long have you guys been dating?" Chris asked "almost 6 months right?" Matt asked me "yep, just about" I said kind of to everyone. "best almost 6 months of my life" Matt said and I smiled "okay okay just because we know now doesn't mean you have to be all cheesy and gross" chris said fake gaging "okay lets go back inside" I said to everyone. 

Time skip 

Me and Matt were laying in his bed he was in between my thighs watching the tv in front of him while I was running my fingers through his hair and he was rubbing my thighs with his hands, "im glad that Nick and Chris know now but im kinda scared about the fans because sometimes they can be really mean and I don't want to have to deal with hate. I guess when you're dating a famous YouTuber you might get hate" I confessed to Matt. "you don't have to worry about hate princess no one will bother you with me still around I promise that" Matt said then kissed my inner thigh. 

I reached down and kissed his head and then messed up his hair meaning it would be all in his face. "AHHHHH come onnnnnn" he said fixing his hair. I laughed and then he laughed, but there's one thing I love more than Matt 

That's I don't have to keep him a secret anymore. 

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