Stay with me - Matt Sturniolo

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y/n pov 

Ive been having really bad abandonment issues towards Matt recently and I don't know if it's making him mad or if he doesn't mind. 

~Later on throughout the day~

It was morning and matt was still sleeping, I was wide awake and just enjoying cuddling him, he started to move and wake up. I had he closer hopefully just to keep him asleep so I could keep holding him. 

"good morning Princess" he said in his sleepy voice, "hi handsome" i said smiling at him. He smiled back at me. "you look so perfect when you wake up" I said looking down at him, His eyes were still closed but I seen a small smirk and his face turn a light shade of pink. "stopppp I just woke upppppp" his said while his face was getting a brighter shade.

"I can't you're just so beautiful, my beautiful boy" I said making him open his eyes and look at me. "what" I said laughing. "nothing, you have just never said that to me before" he said looking at me and smiling. I smiled back at me. 

he got up and went to the bathroom, fuck I already missed him. "MATTHEW HURRY UP" I yelled at the bathroom "IM BRUSHING MY TEETH" he yelled back. I got up and walked into the bathroom and he was standing there fixing his hair and trying to brush his teeth at the same time. "you look ridiculous" I said going behide him and wrapping me hands around his waist from behide. 

He didnt seen to pay any attention to it, he just finished brushing his teeth and then started actually fixing his hair. Once he was done and turn around and hugged my by my waist pulling me up so he was holding me. "what's got you so cuddly today?I mean im not complaining I just want to know?" he said to me "I don't know" 

I lied. I did know. 

~time skip~ 

it was now around 7pm and we were all watching TV and I was cuddling up on Matt when he got up and went to the kitchen. "where are you going?" I said "just gotta go plug my phone in" he said "in the kitchen?" I said back "I don't feel like going up to my room" he said laughing. 

I then got up and followed him "okay y/n I love you but please, stop following me around. I was gonna come back" that hurt. "sorry" I said looking down then turning around to go back to the living room. he grabbed my by my arm "wait no im sorry" he said "no its fine, im just gonna go and watch the movie" I said trying to to cry "no fuck the movie, stay. stay here with me. Come to my room and we can just cuddle" he said 

I kinda just looked at him and he smiled. I said goodnight to nick and Chris and I followed him back up to his room. and we cuddled for the rest of the night till we both fell asleep. 


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