Hes gone - Matt Sturniolo

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y/n pov 

~2 days ago~ 

Me and Matt (my boyfriend of 3 years)were driving to Applebees because we were hungry. Nick and Chris didn't come because I guess nick was going to Madi's and Chris was going to be hanging out with Nate. 

Me and Matt didn't mind because that's means we can hang out alone for once. Right now we were at a stop sign and was Matt continued to keep driving another car smashed into matt side of the car, the car went rolling and glass was going everywhere. My head hit the window and we finally stopped moving. 

I looked over at Matt and his forehead was bleeding and he had a bloody nose, I don't know what I looked like but he looked at me in fear. I immediately starting feeling this horrible pain in my head, I started crying. "its okay, its okay, your okay" matt said to me trying to grab my hand "were gonna be just fine" he said was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


I was laying in a hospital bed and I looked up and seen my mom and my brother sitting there with their phones in their hands. My mom looked up and me and pulled me into a hug. "where's matt?" was the first thing I said. my mom looked at my brother and gave him a look "ill go get chris" my brother said 

time skip 

My brother came back with Chris and Chris gave me a hug "how you feeling y/n?" Chris said "fine. where's Matt?" I said once again "when you feel a little better we will take you to him." Chris smiled "no I want to see him now" I said getting angry "ill go see if your aloud" said Chris 

A nurse came in after Chris and had a computer in her hand.

Time skip 

"your all good dear, you can go visit Matthew" the nurse Said and I quickly got up and walked into he bathroom and changed my clothes and came out after I was done "what room was he in?" I said to my mom  "room 278" she said and I immediately left and went to his room 

I finally found his room and I walked in and seen him laying there just staring at the wall, "Matt?" no answer "Matthew" he looked at me "uh hi" he looked at me weirdly, I walked up to him and tried to hold his hand, but he moved away. I looked at Marylou and she pulled me aside so matt couldn't hear 

"I don't know how to tell you this without hurting you but, he hurt his head so much in the accident that he got a little amnesia. So he doesn't remember you" she said looking at me and then at Matt, I looked at him to and started to cry. how could he forget his girlfriend. He seen me crying "hey are you okay? was it something I did?"  it hurt my feelings because he thought he did something and that he was still the same sweet boy that I fell inlove with. Even though he had no idea who I was he still was nice to me. 

"no you d-didnt, your oka-y" I said stuttering and then the nurse came in, "okay Matthew, so were gonna do some test. So I see your girlfriend is here so that's good-" matt cut her off "that's not my girlfriend. I haven't had a girlfriend in over 6 years" he said 

6 years? that means that he doesn't remember dating me or being best friends with me before. 

left the room bawling. My mom seen me and chased after me "hey honey what's going on" she said looking at me "HES GONE MOM HES GONE!!! HE DOESNT KNOW ME!! mom he doesn't know me" I said breaking down 

time skip 

I have been in my bed crying for the last 3 hours, I just miss him. I just be cuddling his warm body right now. not this cold pillow. 


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