Chapter 2

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Pov Alyana

fatie replied immediately
"Very interesting, I'm listening to you", I immediately answered "but Dilara uses her phone in general" and then Fatiye immediately called me and started laughing "Ailana, Dilara is literally a blogger so don't worry, she always has her phone with her and she always uses it" I thought then why she doesn't enter the group's chat and I asked about it and Fatiya said "well, I think she's just not interested, but why are you so curious huh? you yourself literally answer us once a year until we call you" I laughed "thanks for the information, good night baby" without waiting for an answer immediately dropped the call, I think she's definitely angry.

I am very glad that today is Sunday you don't have to worry about additional lessons and have a rest. I decided to relax a bit at home today and go out somewhere with my sister after dinner, since we haven't spent time together for a long time.
i went to have breakfast and our employees had already cooked food to our taste on the table, I had a bite and went to my room to lie on the bed and scroll through the instagram feed, but a notification came from the general chat where for some reason everyone started using my name like "Is it really Ailana?" asked about Dilara when I came in, I saw that Dilara was typing, I got a little nervous and her message "stop" came and that's it. I don't know why but this girl makes me feel insecure
I decided to just keep silent and not comment as usual, and suddenly I receive messages from Dilara in direct
"Do you like what they write?"
I was surprised that she wrote to me, but I gathered my wits and answered
"No, I just don't care"
"Are you pleased that you are a hyperstring with a girl?" she wrote, aish this girl writes too harsh words
"Like I said, I don't care, I just don't pay attention to this"
"Damn you're weird" she replied
"There is no reason"
"If you said so, then it definitely is"
"Do not suggest to yourself"
"I do not inspire, but I speak directly"
"Ok" she's really weird, could you explain something normally
"What is OK?"
"And I'm weird, huh?"
«Is it true that beautiful people are strange?»
"where did you get the idea at all" it hurt me a little but still
"It says so on the internet"
"So it doesn't concern you"
"ok" i sent this and turned off the phone and went to my sister's room and asked the nanny to dress her and we went for a walk
as soon as she got dressed, we got into the car to go to the park, but my mother called me "hello, are you home?"
"I just went out to walk with the little one"

" Where are you now?"
"let's leave the house"
"Come to the restaurant *****, let's have lunch together"
"but we wanted to have lunch after"
"Please" said my mother and I had to listen and we went to a restaurant to have lunch
As soon as I came in with my sister, my mother was sitting with one woman with a little blond hair, she reminded me of someone, but I just shook my head and went up to them
" Good afternoon"
"Good," they answered, "This is my middle daughter Ailana," she introduced me to her friend and I greeted her and saw that a little girl was sitting next to her and watching a cartoon in her iPad and I looked at her, she also had blond hair and I could swear that she reminded me of someone, but I decided not to dwell on it and just have lunch and I heard that my mother's friend called as I understood my daughter and she was supposed to join the dinner too
I just dined in silence until this blonde sat down with us, yes Dilara
Of course, I was very surprised, and then it dawned on me who they reminded me of, which means it was her mother and her sister, and by the way, they all look like something
My mother's friend introduced her "by the way, Ailana is my daughter Dilara, I think you are the same age"
"By the way, we already know each other," Dilara simply nodded.
We dined in silence and I stopped looking at Dilara so often, because I think that she doesn't like me very much, because she speaks a little harsh words in my direction
And suddenly her mother spoke
"By the way, Ailana, Dilara goes to the same school as you" I almost choked on food, she doesn't hate her daughter or something, why did she decide to send her to such a difficult school
"Oh cool" I answered with a little fake smile and Dilara noticed this and her mother spoke again
"I know that you are a very good student and I would like to ask you to look after Dilara at school so that she studies well"
I laughed a little when I saw that Dilara was in shock because of the words of her mother

"MOM" she said nervously
"Yes, no problem Mis, don't worry about it" I immediately replied and Dilara was very annoyed
"then thank you all in advance, hopefully she can fix her grades" her mom said and i nodded
We finished lunch and I told my mother that I wanted to go for a walk with my sister and went out and when I went out I saw that Dilara came out for me and said
I turned to her and frowned
"Don't take my mom's word so close, she's just joking, I don't need anyone to follow me at school"
"And who said that I will?" I answered coldly
She seemed to be disappointed and answered
"Well, that's good then" and went back to her mother

2 weeks have passed
And this means that school is starting, oh, it's just hell, but what to do you need to learn so as not to disappoint your father
On the first day of school, we don't study, but everyone just stands in the line of their class, build and I noticed a familiar face in the front row of the parallel class, oh yes, this is Dilara
i heard how my classmates started whispering and talking about her, they started discussing her face and figures a little infuriated, but what can i do, i can't do anything and i just started talking with my friends and didn't pay attention to the whispers of people, i looked at Dilara again and noticed that the sun was shining on her and she was standing in her first row, the sun was shining right in her face and she looked like an angel now i understand why everyone started discussing her SHE LOOK PRETTY

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