Chapter 11

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POV Dilara
It's been a week since we haven't spoken
We don't talk for a whole week, we haven't contacted for a whole week DAMN
EVEN HER FRIENDS STOP HELLO TO ME, we are now just strangers
Today I wanted to know something from Meriana
And she wrote that we should skip the first lesson, she agreed and now I'm waiting for her in the dining room
I really need to know this
"HEY DILARA" she said, oh she came
"hey" actually i'm still depressed, i can't smile normally
"she thought" she said
"yes, nothing," I calmly replied
"ok, you wanted to talk"
"Yes, I wanted to ask you something" I said
"okay, i'm listening to you" she replied curiously
"why did you start ignoring me so abruptly" I asked sadly
"about that, Aylana said that now she doesn't admire you and that we stop mocking you, so we just do what she said"
"Oh I see" is she serious? Is she so disgusted with me?
"I know that you had a fight and in fact Aylana is also not in the best condition, she is like a dead woman, she does not go to lunch like you, she just sleeps in class"
so that's why her cheeks are gone, she doesn't eat
"she doesn't even try to talk, you know, it hurts a lot more"
"Let me suggest that tomorrow she skip the lesson, and I myself will go to class and you will talk"
"no, just let it be, I'm really tired, she behaves like a child"
"Should I talk to her?"
"No, no, but thank you very much"
I got up and called my cousin nasiba, I didn't want to study today, I just want to relax a bit
I called and agreed to meet her, she said that she was happy
I am now sitting in a taxi and going to her, I have not seen her for a long time and I really missed her
Now I'm at her house and we just lie on the couch and watch a movie, I missed this atmosphere so much, I lay on her lap and she stroked my hair
I didn't notice how I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I didn't want to go to school and called my mother saying that I was with my aunt and asked permission to stay here for a week, she at first did not agree, but then her aunt persuaded her. I want to take a break from Aylana and move on.

I didn't go to school for a whole week and now, as I promised my mother, I will go to school today. I had already prepared and had breakfast and went down to the driver to go to school.
I sat down and he went, I'm going to this hell again
I don't want to see her face, I just calmed down, I don't want to cross her today
Now I'm at the gates of this hell, it's still 7:29, it's early again, I'll just go to class and I won't go out today so as not to see her
I climbed the stairs and as soon as I reached the second floor I saw her, she was standing with a bag and seemed to be waiting for me, I got old on her and God, I missed her so much in those eyes, I missed her so much, but I just ignored and wanted to pass her, but she closed the passage for me
"where have you been?" she asked, I missed that voice, that calm voice
"go away," I said coldly, I wanted to go, but she interfered with me
"where have you been?" she asked again
"what the hell does it matter to you" I said looking straight into her eyes
"just answer" she said softly
"It doesn't concern you" I replied.
"Why?" she asked, is she serious??
"Why should it? Hm?"
I said aggressively
"I was worried" she answered calmly
"worried?" I laughed nervously
"Can you worry about anyone other than yourself? SERIOUSLY? how cool, congratulations" said clapping
"why are you behaving like this?" she asked
"Why?" I answered
"because I hate you, you know, I don't want to see your face, I don't want to hear your voice, I don't want to look into your eyes, I don't want to understand? I'm tired of you, let me rest please, let me breathe normally already, I'm so tired of you, we didn't communicate for 2 weeks and you didn't even try to communicate with me somehow, do you know how it hurt me? of course you don't know because you're selfish as hell, I'm so tired of you Oisha, I hate that I love you I hate it so much "I said all this while crying I couldn't stop my tears, they just don't stop, she looked at me as if she wants to say something but I didn't want to hear anything and just went to her class she didn't stop me anymore I so wanted her to hug me and apologize, but no she didn't, I think she just did what I told her
I hope it all ends
Days passed and I got used to her absence a little.
And during this time we became very close with Sky, he supported me a lot lately and it helped me a lot, he came to our class every break and walked around the school, oisha saw us a couple of times but didn't say anything and didn't just ignore and pretend that we weren't there, I liked Sky company he is very nice and kind
During this month, we often skipped classes together with friends, we went to cafes and just walked
Once when we were truant, we were at school, that is, we were skipping classes at school and we met oisha who had a magazine from the class and she went to her class, she didn't even look at me and just walked straight and I heard the voice of our director
(p.s there is one large corridor and there are windows, and there are doors in the middle of the corridor, oisha was close to these doors and we were in the middle of the corridor and the director was around the corner, that is, if he turned he would already see us)
I noticed that Oisha also heard the director's voice and she quickly closed the doors behind her and stood outside the door, during this time we managed to quickly escape so that the director would not see us, she is still worried that we would not be scolded, so cute
You know, sometimes you want to forget about all these quarrels and insults and ask to go and hug her, I miss her so much
I miss you very much
I went home and immediately went to my room and lay in my bed
I took my phone and went to the gallery, I saw her stupid selfies that she took every time she had my phone, her pictures where she walks with my sister, her pictures where she played pirates with my brother and sister, pictures where she cooks for me, her pictures where she smiles looking at me, our joint pictures, our selfies where she looks at me while I'm taking pictures, pictures near the mirror of how she hugs me from behind and her sleepy head was on my shoulder, and I found one of my favorite videos, it was a video where she spent the night with me, we told my parents that she would help me with homework and didn't notice how it was getting late and I asked her to tell her mother to stay here today because it's already late and mine did it
the video was filmed at 3am i started filming the video because she suddenly started saying such nice words and i just wanted to capture this moment because i didn't know when the next time would be, in the video we are lying in my bed facing each other she strokes my hair and quietly says how much she loves me, as soon as i played the video i cried almost immediately
"din why are you so beautiful hm?" she asks me, then she didn't know that I was filming her because it was dark

"din you are so beautiful" she says to me she says caressing my cheek and looking straight into my eyes
"you drive me crazy" she says quietly and calmly
"Why?" I asked
"Love is such a thing, it drives you crazy" she said
"I love you so much, I just love you so much" she says
it was the first time she told me this, I was so happy
"You know that, don't you? Do you know how much I love you?" she says quietly, still caressing my cheek, tears began to flow from my eyes
i miss her so much
"Yes I know" I replied
"never forget it okay?" she says softly
"ok" I replied
"you're so beautiful" she says looking at my face
I nodded negatively
"you are gorgeous and unreal, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes once, you would understand me" this made me cry even harder
I want to be with her now, I want to hug her
"din, always remember that you are the best and I love you, I don't love you because of your appearance, I love you because of your good heart because of your sweet habits, because of your care and because of your sincerity, you just have no idea what a wonderful person you are, thank you for everything" she says and kisses me on the forehead and hugs me tightly, this is home, this is my home
I miss her madly, I decided to forget about all this and wrote to her
"Let's take a walk" I wrote
she answered in a minute
"a park *****"
"ok" she replied
I quickly went to get ready.
I think it took about an hour
I got ready and walked to the park as it was close to my house.
I was looking for her and saw that she was sitting on a bench with a hood on her head
my heart started beating very fast
and I approached her and I think she heard steps and looked at me
her eyes how I missed those eyes
"hey" she said with a little smile
"hi" I answered and sat next to her
"how are u" she asked
"not bad, and you" I asked
"same" she answered
and suddenly someone wrote to her, she looked at the phone and smiled
I'll just say it and we'll be done with it

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