Chapter 8 Too late

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Eren's pov
What (Y/n) said was almost unbelievable. Our dad was still alive.I have no time to be thinking about it. We need to hurry and stop him. I really don't think (Y/n) would lie about something like this. If we don't get there quick enough he'll be killed for sure. "Dammit!" I yelled.

(Y/n)'s pov
Right after I explained everything to Eren. We both knew there was no time to waste. If it wasn't so dark down here we would find the stairs faster. Luckily the underground space wasn't nearly as large as Shinganshina.
"Eren why don't we split up?" I say. He looked at me and smiled a bit.
"Then if I find him you'll still be looking, or the other way around! There's no way I will let you walk around here alone." Eren said.
"You're right." I say in response with a blush. "Wait I think it's this way." I say as I take a right turn.
"Look Eren it's *breathe* the stairs!" I yell. We start to run faster but when we got there we were to late. We could see dad going up they stairs. The guards in the front of the stairs stopped us. How did the guards not see him?
"Dammit let us through!!!" Eren yelled trying to punch the guy. The guy calmly grabbed his fist and and twisted it.
"Stupid kid! Go up there and you'll die." The other guy said. This made Eren really mad,but before he could do anything I grabbed him.
"Eren it's ok. We were to late." I say before breaking into tears.
"(Y/n)..." Eren said after looking up to see our dad gone.
"Come on (Y/n) lets go." He said with his voice holding a blur of emotions. I know he was sad but knowing that our dad also died just makes his hatred for Titans greater. For the next few days I couldn't feel anything but sadness. Even Sasha's craziness couldn't make me feel any better. The walls were our hope and now they're gone by a few stupid Titans! This is fate and the only thing you can do about fate is deal with it. *Sigh* at least I still have Eren.

~~~~~•~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~•~~~

We are finally going above ground. Our main mission is just to find some kind of way to get at least some of our land inside the walls back. (A/N I know I said the showed up inside the walls but the colossal Titan and the armored Titan still showed up too and made the whole so more Titans can come in.) Eren is as ready as ever to kill Titans but I'm worried we are not ready. Armin,was afraid,but still he didn't want to be useless so he tired to be brave.
"You ready (Y/n)?" Eren said with a face full of determination like always.
"Well I feel like this is the only way I'll get to go back to our house in Shinganshina and avenge 1/3 of my parents." I respond my eyes welling up with tears. Everyone was quiet for a while.
"Ok cadets it's time to go!" Commander Erwin yelled at us. We all walked up the stairs in silence. Before we were able to come out they had to check if it was safe. After they checked then we went and stood on top of the walls and looked around at what was going on below. I sped away from everyone using the maneuver gear and went to Shinganshina. I wanted to go down to the house but there were a few 14 meter classes that I didn't want to have to deal with. I was about to go back to the others and help with the real mission but then out of the corner of my eye I saw something shiny. I also didn't fail to notice that it was right by my old house. I needed to get it. There's no way I can kill those titans fast enough. My smell will reach the other Titans before I'm able to grab it then I'd be in trouble. Think. Then it came to me. I quickly found a Titan and killed it. I splattered its blood all over me and I started to sneakily walk over to my house. Just as I suspected my scent is covered because of its blood. I quickly run to the house and find a syringe with some type of green liquid in it. I picked it up and left quickly. I ran back to the others to show them what I had found. Could this be what my dad wanted to get? No it has to be...

Hello everyone!! I don't know if you guys noticed but I added something too chapter 6. It isn't something you have to read if you have been keeping up with the story. Sorry for the long wait I have no excuse for taking forever. Thank you guys for being patient and bearing with me 😄. Thanks for your time and never stop being awesome!!!

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