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Based on the award winning game series The Last of Us, this story is a story told from the viewpoint of a fictionally created character Aaron. Set in the same world as the original, the world has been riddled with mutant cordyceps that threaten to overtake the world. What is left of the government scrambles to protect the citizens in isolated towns and strongholdsfighting against the runners and clickers (infected humans). The fireflies are a group that has been trying to eradicate the fugus, though on the sly because the governement views them as a threat.

The first day of infections were never experienced by me. In fact, I wasn't to be born till the infection spread to the entire world and what's left now is the seccluded strongholds and the towns still protected by what is left of the government. We however are different. We could no longer stand the mistreatment from the governemnt and due to dwindling supplies, much of the food were distributed to those who seemed more important - like doctors and engineers.

So, we left the city and formed our own group. We have a couple of dozen of people living in our community and we have secured the town with alarm tripwires and traps. Hopefully that keeps the runners and clickers away. Some people have tried to enter our premise but we don't have much for them to take anyways. But anyways, the traps seem to work and they were driven away.

"Aaron, could you help Ma to take a pail of water from Mr White?" My mother asked me, as she busied herself chopping what we harvested from the backyard vegetable garden.

"Sure" I replied, and hurried on my way to Mr White's with a empty bucket.

When I reached Mr White's it was quiet. Normally Mrs White would be outside to greet me. But not today. Then, I heard screams coming from inside the house. Immediately the hairs on the back of my neck stood. I was curious but terrified of what was happening.

"Help! Oh my god...." I heard audible screams.

I went into the house swiftly and saw Mr White fighting and pushing hard against a runner who was equally unforgiving in strength. Mrs White stood by and just cried. I quickly searched around the room for anything Mr White could use. I found a letter opener just beside me.

"Here! Mr White!" I said as I flung the letter opener in his direction, hoping he would catch the damn thing. He missed. The ceatured heard my holler and turned his attention towards me. Before I knew it the runner detached himself from Mr White and ran towards me. I paniced.

I swung the empty bucket at the runners head. When it connected a drum like sound was emitted yet, the runner was mostly unaffected by that blow. I looked toward Mrs White but she was still sobbing in a corner. The runner by now had grappled my shoulders with quite some force. He - or rather it growled in my face and tried to snap at my face while I held he away from my body with all the strength I could muster. Slowly, I could feel the searing pain in my arms and felt like the strength in them were draining away. I could not hold on any longer... Is this the end?

Splat! I felt wetness on my face and suddenly weight seemed to press my body down.

"Are you alright, Aaron" Mr White asked as he slumped the runner's body over to the side. Blood was flowing from where Mr White stabbed the runner with the letter opener. I breathed deeply and quickly trying to catch my breath. I didn't even know if I breathed throughout that ordeal. I nodded to Mr White while he checked me for wounds.

"Didn't even hear the damn thing coming! I think some traps might be faulty or something" Mr White said. "All cleared" he said to me as he smiled. "Thanks for your help earlier, brave young boy!" He continued as he patted my head.

"So what brings you here?" He asked. I explained that my mother needed some water for the vegetables.

"Mary. Could you bring this boy some water?" Mr White asked. Mrs White smiled but she was still wiping tears off her face as she gingerly took the empty pail from my side and went to fill it with water.

By the time I left, John the group leader arrived and was talking to Mr White about the runner.

"He got in here somehow. I think its the bandits from before. They diabled our traps somehow" I heard him saying to Mr White. I smiled at them before I coninued back to my Ma.

"God! What happened to you?" My mother dropped her stuff and ran towards me.

"I'm fine. A runner got in and I helped Mr White take care of it" I said proudly.

"Sure you did. Are you really alright darling?" My mohter asked as she frisked me for any injuries. I nodded.

"Thank god you are safe" she said as she pulled me into a hug. It was kind of difficult to hug and carry a pail of water so I resisted a little.

"Comeon Ma. At least let me out the pail down. Here's the water anyways" I said as I set the pail down. I saw my sister creep out of the tent and then she started running towards me.

"Big brother!" She sort of screamed as she came to hug me too. Was I that huggable?

I could see she just woke up since she was rubbing her eyes and yawning a little. It was only us three now since our father had lost his lives protecting us from a horde of clickers a year or so back. I miss him but I don't want my mother to be sad again so I don't ever say it. My sister wont because she was probably too young to even remember him.

"Good. Go wash up Aaaron then you can help Ma with the veggie" my mother said. I groaned as I hated doing such chores but it would mean we could finish it sooner. Everyone in the community had a particular chore to do and my mother was in charge of the gardening and coooking so I guess we should help too.

Last of Us: Aaron (BxB) [Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now