Chapter 1

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Gunshots. Screaming. Shouting. Who could it be at this hour? I wondered. It wasn't until I heard frantic shouts and violent shaking that I woke with a jolt. I looked around, still in a daze from just waking up so suddenly. The tentage was a lit with a soft glow but this wasn't a candlelight atmosphere. It was far cry from that. In the distance I could hear screams of pain and anguish. Shouts and gun fire. What was going on?

I saw my mother's face, battered and torn in some places. Her face was a contort of fear and worry. Behind her, my sister held on to her waist with dear life. I knew things were bad.

"Come on Aaron. We got to go!" My mother told me as she hurriedly packed things into rugsacks quickly. I moved over to help her pack my own and my sister's. There wasn't much time basing on how fast my mother was moving so I quickly sweeped the room and only took essentials. Things like matches, clothes, bottle, knife, gun, torch, cans of food and medicine.

"Come on" my mother said once more as she usered us out of the tentage.

The sight to befall me was the worse sight I have ever seen. I was crushed at the sight of our home. It was in total desolation. Tentages burnt, houses smashed, runners and clickers running around tearing into any unlucky souls that were in their way. People I didn't know setting fire to everything and shotting anyone they saw. Quickly my mother motioned for us to stay low and take cover. Surely if those people spot us, we'll be dead. If they didn't, there was always the runners and clickers would might.

The stench of burnt flesh and charred synthetic materials filled the air making it unbelievably difficult to breathe. I clutched tightly to the sheathed knife hoping that I won't ever get to use it. Then I rmembered what my Dad said to me. "We're the men of this household and its our responsibility to keep the family safe". Now that my dad has done all he could to keep us safe, as the only man left in this family, I have got to protect them! I gripped hrader into the knife till my knuckles turned white from the lack of blood flow. I heard the gutteral sounds of a clicker nearing. click click.

It wasn't a sound I was hoping for but at least it was a clicker than those people. People are far more dangerous than even the bloomers. I peeked out and saw that the only thing preventing us from safety of the forest was the clicker roaming in the area. I readied myself as I motioned for my mother to get ready to sprint into the forest.

With a huge intake of breath, I let my courage grow and dashed out onto the clicker's back. He made an aweful guggling sound and a shriek as my knife sank deep in its throat. As I pulled it out with a considerable amount of strength, the creature shrieked once more and then fell to the floor dead. I looked back at my mother and sister triumphant at my first clicker kill, bullets started to ricochet on the walls and abandoned cars around us. Those people has found us. Shit!

"Go!" I heard my mother shouting at me to head to the cover of the forest quickly. If we made it to the forest then we just might be abke to lose the pursuers. But then, where would we go?

I ran as fast as my legs could take me as I crouched low to avoid the bullets. All around me I heard the sound of metal against metal and bullets hitting concrete and dirt. I was lucky that none of the bullets hit me and I made it safely to the forest. After awhile, i turned back to see that my mother and sister was nowhere in sight. No no no!

I ran back to where I came from and saw my mother craddling my sister as she laid motionless. No! I screamed in my head. My mother cried and held my sister as if she had gone insane. If she hadn't, I had. The pursuers suddenly came into view but I hid behind the trees, obscured from sight. They're going to kill my mother too.

"Give us all you have woman" I heard one of them say as he swung his gun around and hit my mother with it. "Now!" He thundered.

"Just leave me...already..." my mother said sobbing as she threw her bag at them.

"Effing bitch!" Again the guy swung his gun and hit my mother, to which she fell back and landed with a thump. I could feel my anger rising. The three guys laughed at the sight. One of them pointed the gun at my mother. That was it. That was the final straw.

I heard my mother said, "Just do it. I've nothing to kive for in this shit world anyways".

Grabbing my knife, I swiftly jumped into the zone, their backs facing me. With the same method of killing the clicker, I sank the knife into the neck of the gunner. His gun went off in random fashion and another of the man fell dead. The last man quickly drew his gun and aimed it as me. I withdrew the knife which was now coated in blood of the clicker and the man.

The man said, "Get the fuck away from me... if not..if not..." he deliberated as he pointed the gun at me then at my mother. "Or I'll shoot her" he continued, now smiling.

The fucking bastard! I grabbed the knife tightly and rushed towards the man. The tip of my knife connected with his torso and I saw as the pain drove into him and heard his shriek as life drained out of him. A shot went off from his gun. I drew the knife out of the dead man and looked back at where my mother was. She was breathing deeply. I ran towards her and knelt down next to her as fast as I could. She'd been shot.

The wound was near her torso. I fumbled around in her bag for lotion and bandages. I was frantic and honestly I think my hands were shaking.

"Don't bother Aaron. It's no use..." she said to me, pushing my hands and the alcohol rub away from her.

"Dont say that Ma. There's still time" I said, tears were running down my face and cloduing my vision so I hastily wiped them away only to have them replaced instantaneously.

"It's alright. Promise me you'll live on strongly" she paused and gasped. "I know you can do it". I nodded. Tears were still running down my face.

"Live on. I love you son..." with her last breath, she said that and then in my arms she passed. I screamed out loud, not caring if any clicker or runner could hear me. In that moment I just wanted the whole world to hear and feel my anguish. What did I do to deserve this?

I stayed there for awhile and took in all the emotions and greived. There was no time to grief. I was now alone. I need to live on, just like what my mother wanted me to. I had to do something. I steeled myself and my heart and pushed those emotions to solitude confines in a small corner of my heart where maybe one day, I could once again taje it out and then grief again. I ravaged my mum's rugsack and took everything I could ever need and tried stuffing them into my own.

I stripped the men off their weapons and took them as my own. What use were weapons to dead men anyways? I took on of their improvised bullet proof vest that didn't work much against my knife in neck approach but I guess it would work against a bullet to the chest or back.

I need to find shelter soon. I took a glance at my watch and I saw that it was 3 am. That wasn't the best time to be out here. I decided then to take a risk and go back to our camp. At least there are fires there and maybe I could scavenge some old tents or something there. Positive that the decision was right, I made my way back to the camp we once called home.

The sight there was something out of a horror movie. Heaps of burnt flesh and bodies lay out. Fires that burn forever licked and danced around dangerously at any passerbys, singeing even the runners and clickers that walked past. The men that came to plunder out supplies were nowhere in sight. There were still a couple pf runners and clickers. If I could dodge them then I could make it into Mr White's house that still seemed to be mostly intact.

There were still some cries from help from burnt people, injured and even people who are being eaten alive by the walkers.

I averted my eyesight from these pitiful sights for they couldn't be saved. Moreover, I knew most of these people and it broke my heart to watch them die. I focused myself on the task at hand and headed towards the house as swiftly and stealthily as I could.

A/N: Hey, thanks for liking, reading and commenting on this chapter. It wpuld really help A LOT! This is my first fanfic and I like the idea of surviving in a global apocalyspe especially the human psychology and reaction towards such tragedies are interesting.

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By the way, the cover is an original artwork by me. Hope you liked it too. :)

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