Chapter 2

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I rushed into the house steathily, hoping that none of the undead saw me and followed me. I shut the door and took out my flashlight immediately. The room was dimly lit by the blaze outside, but it was not bright enough to see clearly in the room. Just as I lit the torch, the beam of light affixed itself onto a figure in the distance.


The runner came towards the source of light - me. I calmly took out my knife and held them in my freehand, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike down the runner. As the runner came nearer, I could see clearer its facial features. Or maybe I should say his facial features. I saw Mr White. He must've been shot dead or bitten and left to turn. Emotions well inside of me. He was just alive and well, fighting so hard for his own life earlier in the day. How could something like this happen so suddenly?

I felt my own body moving instinctively dodging the runner's bites and swipes. My knife sliced the neck of the runner as I swung it upwards alllowing a shrieking gurgle to escape its mouth. It stumbled backwards clumsily but was immediatelyy rearing to come at me again. Before I could react, the runner dropped dead, an arrow straight through its skull.

"Who's there?" I turned around to see someone outside the window. It was too dark to see who it was so I shone my torch in that direction. The figure scattered off. I hastily opened the door and tried to follow the figure.

"Stop. Why are you running?" I asked as I continued to run after the person. I stepped on something metal and hoping I wasn't too distracted from the chase, I bentpd down to take the shiv before stashing it in my rugsack's sidepocket and then continuing the chase. The fella was at least a good runner for it was pretty difficult for me to keep up. I hesitated for a bit when he entered the forest. What if this was a trap?

I gingerly followed behind but gave a greater lead distance so that I could have more reaction time if something went wrong.

Click. Crack. Branches broke. Someone was behind me.

"Stand there. Don't move! Hands up!" The figure said. I did as he said and turned around slowly. He was a teenager like me, probably older by a little. I couldn't see his face but he was wearing a hoodie, so that made it all the more impossible in the dim light the moon provided.

"What do you want?" I asked the figure. I just hope he doesn't want to loot me or to harm me. I readied myself to grab my knife and lunge at him.

"Don't try anything stupid. I'm not going to hurt you. I need you to walk away from here quietly. They are coming back" he said. They?

"Who are they? I just needed some supplies" I said to the hooded figure.

"The guys whom you killed. They have backup and they are coming for you" he said.

"Right" I said, slowly lowering my arms. "I'm goong to get going then" I continued.

"Wait!" He said a lottle louder. I raised my hands in the air again and turned around.

"Here. A hammock and medicine" he handed me a small bag. I walked over slowly to rab the bag. About 3 meters away from him bullets were fired near me. They were here. I tensed up and shot for the cover of the trees. I heard the hooded figure say shit.

"We know you're around here boy. Come out come out" one of the men said. He corked the gun and it made quite a loud sound.

"You think you can get away from murdering my friends?" Another guy said, then a few bulelts were randomly fired.

I crept silently behind the trees waiting for the opportunity to strike. The hooded figure seemed to have gone. He was a fast one. I tried to size up the opponents to see how many of them there were. If there were just those 2, I could easily take them. But if they had a ton of backup maybe I should just flee.

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