Chapter 10

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~No one's pov~
~the next day~

Izuku woke up after his small amount of sleep, woken up by his quite alarm. It alerted him that it was 5 in the morning, so that he could do his online schooling, which unknown to everyone around him, was college.

He got so far ahead in his studies that he had finished all his schooling and had multiple degrees in teaching, mathematics, English, arts, and many more.

After a few hours of studying, he made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast. He decided on cinnamon French toast with a side of orange slices.

When he finished, he made his way to the kids room, and knocked quietly. When he didn't get an answer, he let himself in.

He found a bunch of kids sleeping peacefully, no nightmares or light-sleepers in here, which he was thankful for.

One by one he made his way to the kids, shaking them slightly and walking them up with a kind, hushed tone. "Hey sleepyhead, breakfast it ready, time to wake up," he said, each of them happy for breakfast but not about waking up.

They all dragged their feet one by one, and took their seats at the table. Izuku happily joined them, realizing it would be his first solid meal in close to 5 years. When he was at UA they chose to give me drinks, since they didn't know how he'd handle chewing.

~Izuku's pov~

I saw all the kids eating with smiles, and decided to try it myself. My god, it was heavenly compared to the gross nutritional drinks I made. I savored each bite, and even though I took a long time, all of the kids stayed and chatted with me, and when I was done they all helped me clear the table.

Unluckily for me, the beautiful morning was ruined by Ms.Frey seeing them help me. She glared with an evil smirk, and I knew what that would mean. "Izuku dear, can I see you in your room when you're all finished?" She forced a smile as she got all of our attention, the kids all smiled widely and ran to her, "Ms, Frey!!" They yelled, it's clear to me she's kind to them, though that's cause they all have quirks.

"Hello my little lovelies, how are you, did you have a good breakfast?" It was obvious to me that she wanted to see if I was doing my job.

All of the kids gave her energetic responses in the form of yeses, mhms, yeahs, etc. "I'm glad! Izuku here is gonna be cooking for you guys from now on, you all know I'm not the best at that." She laughed along with the other kids before speaking again.

"Why don't you kids run along and get ready for school, let Izuku finish up in here." As she said this, she led the kids back to their room, not failing to glare back at me.

I quickly finished up my cleanup, made all of us lunch boxes, then prepped for dinner, so I could make it quickly after work.

When I finished, I put a note on the kids door telling them of their lunch boxes, and made my way up to my room, preparing myself for what was coming. I opened the door and was immediately smacked in the face, then dragged into my room.

Ms.Frey threw me to the floor, I felt a few pieces of splintered wood pierce my skin.

"Putting kids to work now!?! They have a future, they aren't so lowly as to be taking orders from the likes of you!!" She spat, as she proceeded to kick me with her heeled shoe.

I would've told her that they wanted to help, and that I tried to tell them no, but I had a feeling she'd just hit me more.

"This," she said, as she ripped my head up, " is for you, if you continue being disobedient and useless," she put something small on my neck, looking like a choker, "this is what will happen."

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