Chapter 3

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~time skip, 2 years~
~Izuku's pov~

I'm 14 now, I've had some changes in my life over the past two years. The severity of my bullying has lessened, most all of my bully's gave it up because I stopped have any reaction to them.

That's another thing, on the outside I've become relatively emotionless, I still feel things, like pain, tiredness, hunger, etc. but I lack the ability to legitimately express it. Though I can still fake emotions when needed, like at the cafe.

Speaking of the cafe, it's going really well there. My coffee has brought in a lot of business, and we have a lot of regulars now. Me and Eraserhead have become friends of sorts, I have his coffee order ready before he walks in and we talk whenever I'm free. He tells me about his life, his husband, even his work! He knows my personal life is touchy, as anytime he asked about it I closed myself off immediately, he's refrained from digging into my life for that reason.

He's become somewhat of a father figure to me, as I haven't had a real one in 10 years. He treats me well, like an actual human.
He makes me feel loved, something I haven't felt since the day my mother died...

My father's abuse has gotten better too, slightly at least, he's started spending his days off at a bar, drinking his life away. When he goes drinking, he stays gone for days on end, giving me time to heal and train in peace.

I've gotten much stronger, I've rigorously trained my body and my quirk so that I'm ready for the UA entrance exam coming up soon, I'm just hoping my father doesn't beat my too badly on the night before the exam, though knowing my luck, I just jinxed it.

~flashback, 10 years ago~
~Aizawa's pov~

I've been an underground hero for about a year now, I love saving people, and even if I won't admit it, love seeing little kids smile after seeing a hero, me, save them.

I had just finished my patrol, and was starting to make my way back to my house, exited to fall asleep in my sleeping bag, right next to my husband Hizashi.

But, that thought was interrupted when I heard a gunshot in the distance, I immediately started to swing over there, hoping I wouldn't be too late to help. I heard another shot ring out and managed to pick up my pace.
I reached the scene and saw a woman with green hair hunched over something, letting herself take a shot to protect whatever it was. I quickly apprehend the man before he could shoot again, hearing the woman fall over, and then shuffling.

I tied the man up and knocked him out, then turned back to the women. I was shocked to see a young green haired boy crying, shaking his mom trying to wake her. "Hey kid, are you okay?" I softly spoke, mentally smacking myself over the stupid question
"My mommy, please help my mommy!!"

I felt horrible, I wasn't very good at sympathy, and I'd never had to tell a child their parents weren't gonna be able to come home...
"I'm sorry kid, there's nothing I can do, she's gone, do you have a dad I can call? What's your name?"
"M-my name is Izuku Midoriya, and my m-mommy's phone has my daddy's number," the disheveled boy said through tears. I was happy he at least had someone he could go home to, he wouldn't be put in foster care.

"Okay Izuku, I'm going to call some people and then we'll go to the station where your father will meet us."
"W-what about my mommy?"
"I'm gonna call someone to come pick her up, come on now kid, let's go wait for the police."
"O-okay..." his voice sounded heartbroken, and rightfully so, he just lost his mother.

I took his hand gently and took him to the street with the unconscious man, where we waited for the police. When they showed up i said my goodbyes to the kid.

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