Chapter 1: the Malfoy's daughter

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    It was a normal day at the Malfoy Manor... to be normal. Narcissa Malfoy was upstairs with her son Draco, while Lucius, a tall long blonde-haired blue-eyed man, was sitting down reading the newspaper. "Narcissa, your sister is In Azkaban for torturing the Longbottom's" Lucius yelled out to Narcissa, Narcissa just rolled her eyes and whispered "that's Bellatrix for you". As she sat down with Draco in her arms there was a knock at the door...

     Narcissa came down stairs with Draco in her arms..."can you open the door Lucius?"__ He walks open to the door, as the door creek's open and a worker for the ministry is at the door holding a child...
"Hello Mr Malfoy we have your niece here" the man at the door said.
"Um... I have a niece?" Lucius looked nervous, "maybe you should talk to my wife Narcissa". Narcissa comes over with her black and blonde hair down and with her dress reaching down to the ground.
"Hello... Mrs Malfoy i heard that you might know something about your niece Holly Lestrange" Narcissa looked at him she knew her sister had a child, but no one else did. "Oh my niece I'll take her in, you know she deserves a home" she picked up Holly and cradled her.

"____all that I've seen in my life Bellatrix having a child was something I never thought would happen..." Lucius said in a cold voice. Narcissa just nodded knowing raising two kids was going to be hard...but she would do it. Little Draco started crying. '

    11 years later, Draco had gotten his Hogwarts letter while Holly was waiting for hers. "Mother, when will I get my letter?" Narcissa looked up at Holly.
"I'm not sure dear, maybe you don't start this year like Draco or so" she looked away knowing that she might not be able to go. Narcissa looked over at Lucius not knowing how to explain it to her. He was just...enjoying the sight,_ "dear child i know you want to go to Hogwarts, but your mother is a psycho and they might let you in". Narcissa didn't want to tell her but it was the truth, and it needed to be said.

Holly looked heart broken wanting to go to school and learn magic, even though she was the daughter of Bellatrix she wasn't her. "But I want to go" she whined.__"I know, I know but you can't, dear".
Holly rolled her eyes a little still mad, but she knew she wouldn't win a fight that wasn't worth fighting._At that moment Draco came looking as self adoring as always, tiring much to live with, "You sad that you're not special like me Holly". His comment hit her like a bullet, "Even when I'm not going to a magic school I'm still more powerful than you Malfoy".

    Lucius looked up at them fighting, his face still cold "shush it children" he said not in a good mood if he ever was,__ "sorry father" Draco said. He looked a little scared like a little puppy on the road as Holly would say. "What about you young one?" He gave her a stern look. "_oh um__well i'm sorry i guess" Holly's eyes watering a little bit. Lucius just walks away stern as always Holly had tears falling from her eyes. Narcissa looked at Lucius a little mad "__you know that poor little girl has gone through so much, but you're still mean to her".

Lucius just laughed a little and walked away, Narcissa turning to Holly with a caring look. "I'm sorry about him Holly he is just... We'll he is more strict and wants the best for you and Draco". She said as she pulled a strand of Holly's hair out of her face giving, her a hug__Holly felt loved. "I love you auntie" Holly said a little bit teary eyed. Narcissa smile at her "I love you too dear don't cry... okay my sweet little girl?" Holly nods wiping her tears away.

Holly went back upstairs to her room and laid down trying to sleep, not able too. She looks around, and sees her books and starts reading them. "I wonder what books I have?"__Holly said, opening up the first book which was about quidditch 101. "I'd be a good seeker... I hope" giggles to herself little happy now. She soon falls asleep with her head in the books.

Soon she wakes up and hears bird chirping as she walks over to her window. Holly opens her window and looks at the nice view "always will love this" Holly said while going downstairs for breakfast. Narcissa was cooking breakfast when Holly got downstairs "hi auntie do you need help?" Holly sounding excited to help out. Narcissa looked up at her "sure you can help me make scrambled eggs", Narcissa excited Holly wanted to help out.

Holly started mixing the eggs with her aunt "it's fun to cook auntie". Narcissa laughed a little "it is you know", she sighed and looks over at Draco and Lucius. "I just wish they would notice it more", she said looking a little sad. "Don't be sad auntie" Holly said while smiling "they don't deserve our hard work anyways". Narcissa was content with what holly said knowing that she was right even if she was a little girl. "You should of been accepted into hogwarts your is great witch like my sister, but you use your powers for good in this world we live in".

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