Chapter 11: Back to Malfoy Manor

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As winter had come, it was time to go home. Holly was standing with Draco at the Hogwarts express waiting for the train to come, as Holly was waiting she saw her cousin Ash playing with a small dog. She then walked over to Ash, "hello Ash how are you, I see you got a dog". Holly said crouching down to pet the dog. "Hey Holly, I'm doing fine I just wish I could go somewhere for the break..." Ash said his voice cracking a bit. Holly nodded then said, "if you want you can come with me and Draco". She said with a smile on her face waiting for what Ash would say. Ash looked up "sure" he said with a small smile on his face as he went with Holly. Draco looked at them, "what is he doing here" Draco said as he looked at Ash. Holly rolled her eyes "he is coming with us", Ash nodded. "I know I may annoy you Draco, but I would be thankful to stay with family over the break", Draco then rolled his eyes and nodded walking into the Hogwarts express.

As Holly and Ash took there seats Holly felt a hand pull her back it was Stella. "Oh hey Stella", Holly was startled by the fact that Stella showed up out of nowhere. "Hey Holly, a full moon is coming up you know that, right?" Holly then stoped for a second "wait WHAT..." everything went silent while she was in shock. "THIS IS BAD" she said as she tried to calm herself down by breathing in and out.

Ash was still trying to understand what was going on, but his mind snapped and he remembered that Holly had Lycanthropy. "Hol it will be fine maybe the Malfoy's knowing will not be that bad" he said really trying to cheer her up. He then turned to Stella, "is there a way to make sure no one finds out?" Ash asked trying to find away around the situation. Stella then nodded, "keep Holly in a room where nothing can be broken and is away from everyone, OKAY". Ash then nodded. "Merci pour votre aide" (French for thank you for your help) Ash said as he then turned to Holly helping her calm down.

Holly started focusing on her breathing, calming herself down. "Thank you Ash" she said her voice cracking a bit making Ash laugh as he rubbed her shoulder. "See things are good, no need to worry" Ash said to her as she looked out into the distance. Holly then sighed "you'll protect me right?" She asked a bit of hope in her voice, since Ash was her only family who was nice to her all the time compared to Draco and Narcissa. He then nodded as he saw that there was snow. "It's snowing that means snow day!" He said looking over at Holly with a smile on his face. Then she noticed that the train had stopped, "there is snow on the tracks that means we are taking a small break for them to clear the snow". She then got up. When she stood up the train started and she fell back down in her seat. Ash and Stella then started laughing a bit, but as she fell into her seat she saw a letter there, as she opened the letter she read.

 Ash and Stella then started laughing a bit, but as she fell into her seat she saw a letter there, as she opened the letter she read

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  "I get to meet my parents?" She said a bit shocked, she knew what her parents did, even then she always wanted to meet them so this was her chance

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  "I get to meet my parents?" She said a bit shocked, she knew what her parents did, even then she always wanted to meet them so this was her chance. "I thought you were the Malfoy's daughter?" Stella said backing away a bit. "I'm not, I'm not like my parents trust me Stella" Holly then put her hand on Stella's shoulder. Stella nodded "it will take me a while to get used to this change but I trust you".

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