Chapter 68 - Kai

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I felt like shit for making her think I didn't trust her. I really did think Mare would try and convince her or guilt her into going this week and I did not want her going. I'd told her not to go and I was glad she wasn't upset about me going ape on Mare. Maybe a few weeks without her sister would sort out her fucking perspective on life. She wouldn't get to see her often once we moved anyway.

She seemed so much better and I was fucking overjoyed she was back to being a semblance of herself. Thank fuck. If I had to see her like she was yesterday again I would just lose it. I had panicked when Brig had texted me Troy was taking to her. He was too far away in the digital arts building to get to her, but he could see her and he said it only looked like were talking. I had practically bolted out of class. But she seemed fine and like she didn't care at all, and she was right, she didn't at all react to me losing it. She knew full well I was going to deck that stupid fuck. I pulled her closer as we walked around a few stores.

And I could fucking drive, damn, I'd missed driving my car. I don't know why she kept saying no to getting a car but I didn't want to push it. Maybe she liked driving with me. But I really thought we needed another just in case. I'd give it a bit before I bugged her about it again. She'd just about gotten out of her funk. And I didn't want to annoy her any further.

I didn't need a tux, I already had one. Ella laughed out loud when I told her, she was so surprised an animal like me would own a monkey suit. I scowled at her, she just laughed harder. Shaking her head. She bought a silver dress and she didn't let me see what it looked like. No matter how many times I asked her. She said I wasn't Rob and couldn't give her a real answer anyway, cuz I'd just say anything looked good on her...She wasn't wrong. She also bought very high dark green strappy heels. I smiled.

We were on the couch watching tv, I needed to be in the studio for a bit but I hadn't asked her about having a show. And Rob had texted again asking about it. She was using me like a pillow and my legs were twined around her.

"Babe?" She looked up at me, "I showed the pieces to Rob when he was over to pick me up."

She smiled, "You did?" I nodded, glad to see that smile. "What did he think? Did he say you were nuts?" I shook my head smiling; she would never get it.

'No." I bent down and kissed her nose, "just the opposite, actually. He said it was some of my best work and I should definitely have a show." Her eyes got wide. "Really?" I nodded.

"Why do you seem surprised?" She just shrugged looking at me. "No, Ella, tell me. Do you not want me to have one?"

"No, I didn't say that, Kai, of course you should have one if you want to, you are so talented babe, and I told you they were beautiful and unbelievable. It's just weird cuz they're" She said scrunching her face. I laughed. Oh Ella, Ella. He was right as usual; she was a clueless queen.

"Did he really tell you people would buy them?"

"Are you calling me a shit artist?" Her eyes got wider. "What no, course not. Kai, stop. This is your art, this is who you are and you are amazing at what you do, your brushwork is something else, I'm just concerned your choice in subject is questionable?" I laughed.

I kissed her. She smiled, "Ok, then why are you stressed?" She shook her head. "Ella, tell me now." Was she really bothered by this, because if she was, I just wouldn't have one. Did she not get that?

"Baby, if you're not ok with it, it's really fine, I don't care ok. I just wanted to ask you if you were ok for me to have one, seeing as they were so personal to me." She smiled, crawling up to sit on me, she twined her arms around my neck and kissed me long. "Babe, of course, you should have one." She was speaking against my lips, while I put my arms around her. "I'm sorry if you thought I'd be upset, I'm really not. Kai, you will never need my permission for anything when it comes to your art ok? I'm just worried you've gone a bit mad." She smiled shaking her head looking down. I smiled back, relieved. "Ella, my love?", "Hmm?" She looked up.

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