Cuddles [Short Prinxiety Fluff]

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[Hello everyone! sorry if this is cringey or bad, I just wanted to write some fluff with these two since it's been on my mind so much lately, I hope you all enjoy the cuteness of this fic like I do!]

It was a pretty normal day, each side going by just doing their own things and having a relaxing day.

well for everyone but Virgil, he was laying his bed,headphones on , and his mind being all over the place, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about Roman the whole day.

that stupid but sweet smile of his,how dramatic and extra he was but yet so romantic, it felt like he knew exactly how to sweep Virgil off his feet without even trying, every time he saw Roman look at him he just felt his heart melt, butterflies in the stomach ,just whatever it was made him feel a love for him.


Virgil was suddenly snapped out of his thought when he heard that, he sighed and got up, walking over to the door and opening it to see Roman there, he could feel his cheeks heat up with blush.

"Hey Virge! I was wondering if you wanted to watch some movies with me in my room" Roman said with a smile.

"yeah sure, got nothing better to do" Virgil said with a smile back.

and off they went to Roman's room, Roman already had some movies picked out and let Virgil pick some too, there was snacks and blankets set up too, wow he was prepared for this litte movie marathon, it made Virgil smile.

after watching a few movies, eating some snacks, and just talking & joking around with each other, Virgil had something he wanted to ask but he felt a bit awkward asking it, they were just friends so it felt weird to ask but some friends cuddle like even Roman and Patton, It just felt awkward for him.

maybe it was because his feelings for Roman or because they hadn't done that before? he didn't know but soon he just took a deep breath and decided to ask, looking over at Roman who was watching the movie at the moment.

"Hey Ro?"

"yeah Virge?" Roman said while turning to look at him.

"Could we cuddle?-" Virgil said in a awkward tone.

Roman blushed a bit and smiled softly "of course we can,Virgie"

Virgil smiled back happily and got up next to Roman,putting his arms around Roman's chest and laying his head on his shoulder, while Roman put his arms around Virgil and laid his head on Virgil's head.

they both kept watching the movie, big happy smiles on their faces, cuddling like this made them both so happy and made them feel so safe in the other's embrace, it felt like nothing else matter, just them being like this did.

watching movie after movie, staying cuddled up like that, Roman felt so comfortable with this that he slowly drifted to sleep, holding Virgil closer to him.

Virgil soon noticed this ,chuckling softly, he grabbed a blanket and put it around the both of them, he closed his eyes and relaxed,soon drifting off to sleep himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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