Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

We are currently eating our instant cup noodle in front of the fire.

"You are very crazy to eat a spicy cup of noodle before we sleep,Lucy"Millie babble

"I don't care about what you say cause this is my favourite and I'll do whatever I want,Millie"

"Then don't come to me when you have a stomach ache"

"I'm used to eating spicy foods.Besides,my life is more spicy than this noodle"

"Don't use your life for a joke"

"I use it as a joke all the time"

"That's sarcasm straight out of your mouth"

"Well done,you guessed it right,Master Millie"

"Just eat your noodle and go to sleep,Loner Lucy"

"Hey,stop fighting you two ! We are here for peace and I won't tolerate your fight.Now,apologize to each other"Amanda said

"I'm sorry,Lucy"

"I'm sorry too,Millie"

I shake my hand with Millie and end it with a hug

"Now that is peace.Good night,you two"Amanda yawn and go back to her tent

I go to my tent and prepare the things for exploring the dark woods.I wait till Amanda is asleep.After I heard no sound from her tent,I make my way to Millie's tent.

"Amanda is already asleep"I said

"Good.Now,let's get out"Millie opens her tent and we make our way to the dark woods

"Are you sure you know the way ?"

"Pssh...I already researched this before we even got here"

"Have you ever explored this before ?"

"To be exact,one week ago"

"Lead the way"

I can already see that we are not in the park anymore.The trees start to get thicker and the sky is getting darker.We keep walking until we found a cave.

"That's the cave where the Hall twin brothers were last spotted"

"What are you waiting for ? Let's head there"

We make our way through the rocky steps and with each step we take,we are getting closer to the cave.Finally,we make it at the top and go inside the cave.

"It looks like no one has ever been here"

"Maybe,you got the wrong cave"

"No,no,no,I know this is the exact same cave.Someone must be here before us"

"Or maybe there's someone living here and we are trespassing someone's home"

"There's a little shack in this woods.I say we check that before we leave"

"Anything you say,I shall obey"

We go down through the same rocky steps.We take a few steps and find  a little shack made of wood that only has one wooden door.Millie open the door and inspect the little shack.

"There is nothing here but I'm gonna install a camera inside"she said

I wait outside for a few minutes.

"The camera is all set"she proudly said.


Amanda's POV

I pretended to sleep because I knew they were planning something.I heard their footsteps and with each step they take,the sound is getting more quiet. Why are they hiding this from me ? All this time I spent with them just so they can think I'm just the quiet girl. That's pretty much what everyone said about me from college till now.

They only included me if I'm in the scene.But when I'm not,I'm always forgotten and I start to wonder are we friends or are we just workmates ? No one even try to ask me how I'm doing or how is your day ? They just expected me to listen to all their chats and laughs. None of them even compliment me or remember my birthday.

I will always be the girl that's behind the spotlight. Even if everybody knew about The Supernaturalist Stars,everybody just remember about Everina or Savannah or Millie.No one even remembers me. I wanna be remembered and loved too.Millie and Lucy probably don't even to think about me when they go outside and do their little mission.

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