Books And Novels | The Most Famous International Books And Novels.

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This chapter will be in Arabic and English.

This chapter is for lovers of reading and books.

هذا الجزء لعشاق القراءة والكتب .

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We all love stories and novels, they are beautiful and make us live in another world

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We all love stories and novels, they are beautiful and make us live in another world. Perhaps it is fantasy. What do you think?. In which world do you live?.

كلنا نحب القصص والروايات فهي جميلة وتجعلنا نعيش في عالم آخر. ربما هو خيال. ماذا تعتقد؟. في أي عالم تعيش ؟.

Books are seas of knowledge that make us go deeper and understand this world more

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Books are seas of knowledge that make us go deeper and understand this world more. They are like light in the middle of darkness, leading us to paths we have not treaded before.

الكتب هي بحار المعرفة التي تجعلنا نتعمق أكثر ونفهم هذا العالم أكثر. إنها مثل النور في وسط الظلام ، تقودنا إلى طرق لم نسلكها من قبل.

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