History|Seven wonders of the world.

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This chapter will be in Arabic and English.

In fact, it is the second time that I write this part because I wrote it and finished it, but I do not know how when I wanted to publish it, it disappeared.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World refer to the magnificent architectural facilities of the classical antiquity, which were mentioned in many tourist guidebooks that were famously circulated among tourists in ancient Greece, especially in the ...

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The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World refer to the magnificent architectural facilities of the classical antiquity, which were mentioned in many tourist guidebooks that were famously circulated among tourists in ancient Greece, especially in the first and second centuries BC.

عجائب الدنيا السبع في العالم القديم تشير إلى منشآت معمارية رائعة من العصور الكلاسيكية القديمة والتي تم ذكرها في العديد من الكتيبات الإرشادية السياحية التي اشتهر تداولها بين السياح في اليونان القديمة ، لا سيما في القرنين الأول والثاني قبل الميلاد .

The most prominent of these is a booklet written by Antipater of Sidon and Philo of Byzantium, which included seven wonders all located around the Mediterranean basin,

أبرز تلك كتيب هو ما ألفه كل من أنتيباتر الصيداوي وفيلون البيزنطي، وضم سبعة عجائب تقع جميعها حول حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط،

namely: the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus, the Mausoleum of Mausolus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

هيالهرم الأكبر بالجيزة، حدائق بابل المعلقة، هيكل آرتميس، تمثال زيوس، ضريح موسولوس، تمثال رودس، ومنارة الاسكندرية.

The ancient Greek conquerors conquered most of what was known from the world in the fourth century BC, which gave Greek tourists the opportunity and ease of access to and visit ancient civilized countries, such as the Pharaonic, Persian and Babylonian civilizations, and these tourists were mesmerized by the landmarks and wonders they saw in these countries,

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