Space | Saturn's rings.

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This chapter will be in Arabic and English.

Saturn is perhaps the most famous planet for its ring system, which makes it the most noticeable space body in the solar system

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Saturn is perhaps the most famous planet for its ring system, which makes it the most noticeable space body in the solar system.

ربما يَكون زحل هو أكثر الكواكب شهرة لنظامه المكون من حلقات، الأمر الذي يجعل منه أكثر جسم فضائي ملحوظ في النظام الشمسي.

The rings of Saturn make it one of the most familiar and fascinating astronomical images, in addition to its frequent occurrence in science fiction stories and films.

إن حلقات زحل تجعل منه إحدى أكثر الصور الفلكية إلفة وإبهاراً، وذلك إضافة إلى كثرة وروده في قصص وأفلام الخيال العلمي.

Galileo Galilei was the first to observe it through the telescope when he directed his primitive observatory towards the planet for the first time in 1610,

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Galileo Galilei was the first to observe it through the telescope when he directed his primitive observatory towards the planet for the first time in 1610,

  وقد كان جاليليو جاليلي أول من رصده عبر المقراب عندما وجّه مرقبه البدائي نحو الكوكب لأول مرة عام 1610،

but low-resolution vision made him mistakenly believe that Saturn is a triple system planet, consisting of a large central body and two smaller ones on its sides.

لكن جعلته الرؤية ذات الدقة المنخفضة يَعتقد خطأً بأن زحل هو كوكب ثلاثي النظام، يتكون من جسم مركزي كبير وجسمين أصغر منه على جانبيه.

The rings may be much younger than the planet itself.  Therefore, some senior athletes saw that these episodes are worth studying.

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